On April 18 1998, Audine saw the sky for the first time through a telescope (a flat-field camera with 190 mm opening). The location was Ramonville-Saint-Agne located in the suburbs of Toulouse (code UAI 959). The limiting magnitude was 2.5 to the naked eye.

Target object was the galaxy M51. Twenty exposures of 60 seconds integration time were made in binning 2x2 mode with a prototype camera, afterwards they were combined to produce this document :

The first deep sky image made with an Audine camera.

Judicious compositing of those 20 single images permits reconstructing an image with an almost doubled resolution :

Increased resolution by optimised compositing of the first sequence of images acquired with an Audine camera prototype (processing: QMiPS32).
The principle of optimised compositing. During the compositing the images are moved judiciously a fraction of a pixel, this is made possible by resampling the image to a finer matrix than the original images, thus increasing the resolution.
Demonstration of the gain in spatial resolution with optimised compositing in an enlarged portion of the first Audine image. On the left, a traditional composite, made by simply adding the individual images in binning 2x2 mode. On the right, the optimised composite permits reaching a resolution close to what we would get with image acquisition in binning 1x1 mode.
A strongly enlarged field with stars and galaxies observed with the first Audine camera on 19/05/1998 near Ramonville-Saint-Agne with a flat-field camera of 190 mm opening (F/D=4). On the left a composite of 16 exposures of 2 minutes each in binning 2x2 mode. In the middle, the result of optimised compositing. On the right, for comparison, the same field in the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey. The limiting magnitude reached by Audine is in the order of 19.5 despite the fact the observation was made in an urban region that has heavy light pollution. It should be noted that these images were acquired without using a shutter.