Eruption of nova T Pyxitis


Eruption discovered by M. Linnolt (Hawaii, United States) at a visual magnitude of 13.0 on 2011 April 14.3. This is the first outburst of T Pyx since December 7, 1966, nearly 45 years ago.

Position (2000.0) = RA : 9h04m41.5s - Dec : -32°22'47.5"

Acquisition of T Pyxitif spectrum with LISA spectroograph and Audela software.

See also T Pyxitis ARAS page

April 15.809, 2011 observation (start of exposure)

Setup: Celestron 11 telescope (0.28-m diameter) + LISA spectrograph (sampling = 2.1 A/pixel - R = 1100 - 23 microns slit) + QSI583 CCD camera (5.4 microns pixel - bin. 1x1).
Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France)
Observer: Christian Buil
Note: Atmospsheric extrinction is corrected. The object is observed only 14° above the local horizon. Atmospheric extinction and instrumental response are evaluated from observation of star HD92845.

V mag. = nearly 8.3
Exposure: 8 x 300 sec.
Download  _pix_20110415_809.dat


April 16.809, 2011 observation (start of exposure)

Setup: Celestron 11 telescope (0.28-m diameter) + LISA spectrograph (sampling = 2.1 A/pixel - R = 1000 - 23 microns slit - fusion of VIS + IR specta) + QSI583 CCD camera (5.4 microns pixel - bin. 1x1).
Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France)
Observer: Christian Buil
Note: Atmospheric extrinction is corrected. The object is observed only 14° above the local horizon. Atmospheric extinction and instrumental response are evaluated from observation of star HD92845.

V mag. = nearly 8.0
Exposure: 6 x 300 sec (VIS) + 8 x 300 sec (IR) .
Download  _pix_20110416_830.dat


April 17.809, 2011 observation (start of exposure)

Setup: Celestron 11 telescope (0.28-m diameter) + LISA spectrograph (sampling = 2.1 A/pixel - R = 1100 - 23 microns slit) + QSI583 CCD camera (5.4 microns pixel - bin. 1x1).
Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France)
Observer: Christian Buil
Note: Atmospheric extrinction is corrected. The object is observed only 14° above the local horizon. Atmospheric extinction and instrumental response are evaluated from observation of star HD92845.

V mag. = nearly 7.9
Exposure: 8 x 300 sec.
Download  _pix_20110417_809.dat

April 18.808, 2011 observation (start of exposure)

Setup: Celestron 11 telescope (0.28-m diameter) + LISA spectrograph (sampling = 2.1 A/pixel - R = 1100 - 23 microns slit) + QSI583 CCD camera (5.4 microns pixel - bin. 1x1).
Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France)
Observer: Christian Buil
Note: The object is observed only 14° above the local horizon. Atmospheric extinction and instrumental response are evaluated from observation of star HD92845.

V mag. = nearly 7.6
Exposure: 12 x 300 sec.
Download  _pix_20110418_809.dat


April 19.825, 2011 observation (start of exposure)

Setup: Celestron 11 telescope (0.28-m diameter) + LISA spectrograph (sampling = 2.1 A/pixel - R = 1100 - 23 microns slit) + QSI583 CCD camera (5.4 microns pixel - bin. 1x1).
Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France)
Observer: Christian Buil
Note: Atmospheric extrinction is corrected. The object is observed only 14° above the local horizon. Atmospheric extinction and instrumental response are evaluated from observation of star HD92845.

V mag. = nearly 7.6
Exposure: 6 x 300 sec
Download  _pix_20110419_825.dat

April 26.825, 2011 observation (start of exposure)

Setup: Celestron 11 telescope (0.28-m diameter) + eShel spectrograph (sampling = 0.1 A/pixel - R = 10000) + QSI532 CCD camera (6.3 microns pixel - bin. 1x1).
Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France)
Observer: Christian Buil
Note : Severe astmospheric absorption.

V mag. = nearly 7.3
Exposure: 5 x 300 sec.
Download  _pix_20110426_825.dat

Note: telluric H2O remobed fo clarrity.

 April 29.820, 2011 observation (start of exposure)

Setup: Celestron 11 telescope (0.28-m diameter) + LISA spectrograph (sampling = 2.1 A/pixel - R = 1100 - 23 microns slit) + QSI583 CCD camera (5.4 microns pixel - bin. 1x1).
Observatory: Castanet Tolosan (France)
Observer: Christian Buil
Note: The object is observed only 12° above the local horizon. Atmospheric extinction and instrumental response are evaluated from observation of star HD92845.

V mag. = nearly 7.1
Exposure: 5 x 300 sec.
Download  _pix_20110429_820.dat


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