Solar System:  
(click on the respective image for a bigger one) 

Moon. 1/125 sec. 9/01/2000. Fuji Super HG1600.

Moon. 1/60 sec. 10/04/2000. Kodak Ultra 400.

Moonset. 1/60 sec. 15/01/2000. Fuji Super HG1600.

Sun with adisquette 5.1/4 as filter. 1/1000 segundo en Foco Primario. 15/01/2000. Película Fuji Super HG1600

Saturn. 1 sec with an 8mm ocular. 9/01/2000. Fuji Super HG1600.

C2001 A2 Linear Comet. 5 minutes. Kodak Ektachrome E200. 23/06/2001

Linear. 25 minutes. Kodak Ektachrome E200. 23/06/2001.

Linear. 15 minutes. Piggyback over the NASA Astrograph. 55mm lens plus a Telephoto secondary lens.

.©2001-2007 Carlos Milovic Fabregat.