Total Solar Eclipse of 2 July 2019,
Chile, La Vinita, 1300 m a.s.l.
Images by Emmanuele Sordini, processing by Lorenzo Comolli

Unfortunately I was not able to travel to Chile and observe this eclipse. Fortunately my friend Emmanuele Sordini did and shared immediately his RAW shots the day after the eclipse! The result of processing are here below. Take a look also to Emmanuele's website with much more info about the travel and the imaging setup.

HDR Corona (at 500 mm)

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The HDR corona in full details.
Pentax 75 refractor (500mm f.l. f/6.7), Canon 760D, SkyWatcher EQ5 tracking mount, exposures between 1/125 s and 1 s at 200 ISO, plus 1 s at 400 ISO. 83 shots were added.
Images by Emmanuele Sordini, processing by Lorenzo Comolli.

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Rectangular projection of the above image. The radial structures can be appreciated in a different prospective.
Images by Emmanuele Sordini, processing by Lorenzo Comolli.

HDR Corona (at 250 mm)

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The HDR corona with a larger field of view, showing tens of stars.
Canon 100-400 II lens (used at 250mm f/5.6), Canon 6D, SkyWatcher EQ5 tracking mount, exposures between 1/250 s and 1 s at 800 ISO. 87 shots were added.
Images by Emmanuele Sordini, processing by Lorenzo Comolli.


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Solar prominences just a second before C3, with also the chromosphere at maximum visibility. Extreme enlargement of the original frame.
Pentax 75 refractor (500mm f.l. f/6.7), Canon 760D, SkyWatcher EQ5 tracking mount, 1/2000s exposure at 100 ISO.

Image by Emmanuele Sordini, processing by Lorenzo Comolli.

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Contact C2 and C3 captured at 3 fps.
Pentax 75 refractor (500mm f.l. f/6.7), Canon 760D, SkyWatcher EQ5 tracking mount, 1/2000s exposure at 100 ISO.
Images by Emmanuele Sordini, processing by Lorenzo Comolli.

Any comment about the images is highly appreciated, email us at  and

HTML Editing and Publishing by Lorenzo Comolli. Email me at
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