Pictures > Nebulae > IC1396 - The Elephant trunk nebula

The Elephant trunk nebula 01/10/2011 Le Chesnoy (45, France)

Telescope: 80ED refractor F=600mm
Guiding: None
Mount: Celestron CG5
Imager camera: Atik 314L+ at -12°C
Moon: no moon
Conditions: calm, 12°C
Exposures: L:6x40s R:4x40s G:6x40s B:5x40s Ha:9x40s
Binning : LRVB:bin1 Ha:bin2
Offset: 15x1/4000s
Dark: 3x90s
Offset: 15x0,001s
Dark: 3x40s
Flat: 15 par filtre
Processing: IRIS then GIMP : levels, adding H-alpha layer, remove saturation of blue layer of the stars, gaussian selective blur?
Commentary: it needs longer exposure time.