Pictures > Messier objects > M57 - The Ring nebula M57

The Ring nebula M57 from Thézac (dept. 17, France) le 22/08/2016

Guiding: off-axis guider on C8 at F=2000mm, LodeStar StarLight Xpress
Telescope: C8 at F=2000mm,
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -9.5°C
Moon: 80%
Conditions: 14°C, humidity
Exposures: L:8x120s bin1 R:6x120s bin2 G:6x120s bin2 B:6x120s bin2 Ha:6x120s bin1
Offsets: 15x0.001s in bin1 and 15x0.001s in bin2
Darks: 5x120s in bin1, 5x120s in bin2
flat L:15x0.06s R:15x0.8s G:15x0.045s B:15x0.023s Ha:5x48s
Processing: IRIS then GIMP.
Commentary: I finally could use the off-axis guider. I took me more than one hour to find the way to have light in the LodeStar, by adjusting the small screws and the small mirror. Then I focused the Atik, then the LodeStar. I also used PHD2 Guiding software for the first time.

The planetary Ring nebula M57 from Thézac (dept. 17, France) 15/07/2015

Guiding: Orion 80ED refractor F=1200mm camera LodeStar, PHDGuiding
Telescope: C8 at F=1260mm,
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -9.5°C
Moon: no moon
Conditions: 15°C
Exposures: L:3x240s bin1 R:3x240s bin2 G:3x240s bin2 B:53x240s bin2
Offsets: 15x0.001s in bin1 and 15x0.001s in bin2
Darks: 8x240s in bin1, 3x240s in bin2
flat L:15x0.023s R:15x0.37s G:15x0.03s B:15x0.0175s
Processing: IRIS puis GIMP.
Commentary: good guiding, few exposures by lack of time.

The planetary Ring nebula M57 from Thézac (dept. 17, France) 29/07/2014

Guiding: Orion 80ED refractor F=600mm camera LodeStar, PHDGuiding
Telescope: C8 at F=2000mm,
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -9.5°C
Moon: no moon
Conditions: humid air, some clouds, 15°C
Exposures: L:5x60s bin1 R:5x60s bin2 G:5x60s bin2 B:5x60s bin2 Ha:6x60s bin2
Offsets: 15x0.001s in bin1 and 15x0.001s in bin2
Darks: 7x60s in bin1 and 7x60s in bin2
flat L:15x0.04s R:15x0.65s G:15x0.04s B:15x0.028s
Processing: IRIS then GIMP.
Commentary: not enough exposures because of the clouds. I tried to focus for each filter, but I failed. Bad guiding probably because of bad polar alignment.

M57, the Ring nebula 21/08/2012 at Thézac (dept. 17, Fance)

Telescope: C8 at F=4000mm
Guiding: 80ED refractor F=1800mm with LodeStar StarLight Xpress CCD camera, PHDGuiding software
Mount: SkyWatcher NEQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -13°C
Moon: no moon
Conditions: good night
Exposures: L:7x60s in bin2 R:4x60s in bin3 G:4x60s in bin3 B:4x60s in bin3 H-Alpha:8x60s
Offsets: 7x0.001 in bin2 and 7x0.001 in bin3
Darks: 3in bin2 and 3 en bin3
Flats: L:7x0.08s R:7x2s G:7x0.02s B:7x0.01s Ha:7x4s IRIS processing: pre-processing, blur
GIMP processing: adding H-Alpha layer, then curve of the blue layer.

Commentary: happy with this result for this long focal length.

M57, the Ring nebula 20/08/2010 at Thézac (dept. 17, France)

Telescope: C8 at F=1260mm
Guiding: 80ED refractor F=600mm with LodeStar StarLight Xpress CCD camera, PHDGuiding software
Mount: SkyWatcher NEQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -15°C, binning 1x1
Lune : very annoying
Conditions: very humid
Exposures: L:2x120s R:2x120s G:2x120s B:2x120s H-Alpha:5x120s
Offsets: none
Darks: 3x120s
IRIS processing: removal of offset and dark, registration and addition of images, the combining LRGB layers
GIMP processing: Adding H-Alpha layer, level of black.

Commentary: quite good.

le 19/08/2011 at Thézac (dept. 17, France)

Telescope: C8 at F=2000mm
Guiding: Orion Short Tube refractor F=800mm with LodeStar StarLight Xpress CCD camera, PHDGuiding software
Mount: SkyWatcher NEQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -15°C, binning 1x1
Lune : annoying
Conditions: hot night 19°C
Exposures: 20x30s LRGB Ha
Offsets: 0.1sx15
Darks: 5x30s
IRIS processing: removal of offset and dark, registration and addition of images, the combining LRGB layers
GIMP processing: Adding H-Alpha layer, level of black.

Commentary: none