Pictures > Galaxies > NGC266 - Barred spiral galaxy

Barred spiral galaxy NGC 266 at Thézac (dept. 17, France)

Telescope: C8 F=1260mm
Guiding: Orion 80ED refractor F=1200mm
Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6
Imager: Atik 314L+ at -17°C
Moon: no moon
Conditions: calm, 13°C
Exposures: L:18x3mn R:6x3mn G:6x3mn B:6x3mn
Binning: L:bin1 RGB:bin1 and bin2
Offsets: 15x0,001s
Darks: 3x3mn in bin1 and 3x3mn in bin2
Flats: 15 per filter
Processing: IRIS then GIMP : tresholds, levels.
Commentary: good target. To redo with the refractor.