IC4592 and IC4601 nebulae region

IC4592 eta IC4601 nebulosen eremua




IC4592 (Zaldiburu nebulosa urdinaz bezala ezaguna ere) hauts finez osatutako hodei konplexua da. Berez ez litzatekeena ikusiko, gertu dagoen Nu Scorpii izar distiratsuak argiztatzen du eta isladapen bidez nebulosa urdin bezala ikusgai bihurtuz. Gugandik 400 argi-urtera kokatzen da eta 40 argi-urteko diametroa du. Behean erdi aldean IC4601 nebulosa urdina ikusten da.


The IC4592 (also known as the Blue Horsehead Nebula) is a molecular cloud complex, made up by fine dust that can be visible as blue reflection because is lit by bright nearby Nu Scorpii star. Has 40 light years diameter at a distance of 400 light years from us. At lower center, the IC4601 blue reflection nebula is visible.

Objektua:    IC4592 eta IC4601 nebulosen eremua.

Esposizio-denbora:  15 x 300s (L) + 9 x 300s (R) + 9 x 300s (G) + 9 x 300s (B).

Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

Teleskopioa:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX eta EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

Kamera:    Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII iragazkiak.

Jarraipena:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

Data:    2016ko ekainak 1.

●  Object:   IC4592 and IC4601 nebulae region.

●  Exposure:   15 x 300s (L) + 9 x 300s (R) + 9 x 300s (G) + 9 x 300s (B).

●  Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

●  Telescope:    Takahashi FSQ-106EDX on EM-200Temma2M. Seletek Armadillo / Focusmax.

●  Camera:    Apogee U16M / AFW-50-7S ( - 20ºC ). Astrodon E-Series genII filters.

●  Guiding:    FS-60CSV, QHY-5, PHDguiding.

●  Date:    1st of  June 2016.





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All the images in this site are © copyright 1999-2016 by Iñaki Lizaso. Any use of these images without the prior written consent of the autor is strictly prohibited. Contact Iñaki Lizaso at edif300@yahoo.es
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© 1999-2016 Iñaki Lizaso