Zodiakoko argia, Esne Bidea eta Aire-distira

Zodiacal light, Milky Way and Airglow




Irudia Eguzkia sartu ondoren aterata dago, bertan Zodiakoko argia ikus daiteke hiruki itxurako argi modura, Eguzki Sisteman dauden partikulak (hauts kosmikoa) Eguzkiak argiztatzearen ondorioz sortzen da. Zodiakoko argia sortzen duten partikulak leiar itxura duen espazio-bolumen batean kokaturik daude, Eguzkia erdigune dutela eta Lurraren orbitatik haratago hedatzen da.

Bestalde, Aire-distira ere ikus daiteke irudian (laino marroi-gorrixken itxuran). Argi hau prozesu ezberdinek sortzen dute Lurraren goi atmosferan, egunez Eguzki fotoiek fotoionizatutako atomoen bir-konbinaketek, lumineszentziak izpi-kosmikoek goi atmosferan talka egiteagatik eta kimika-lumineszentziagatik oxigenoak eta nitrogenoak hidroxido erradikal askeekin erreakzionatuz.

Wikipedia: Airglow

In this image taken after sunset, the zodiacal light can be seen as a light triangle. It's produced by sunlight reflecting off dust particles in the Solar System known as cosmic dust. The material producing the zodiacal light is located in a lens-shaped volume of space centered on the sun and extending well out beyond the orbit of Earth.

Airglow is a faint emission of light by a planetary atmosphere. Is produced by various processes in the upper atmosphere of Earth, the recombination of atoms which were photoionized by the Sun's photons during the day, luminescence by cosmic rays striking the upper atmosphere, and chemiluminescence caused mainly by oxygen and nitrogen reacting with hydroxyl free radicals at heights of a few hundred kilometres. In the image reddish airglow emission is from OH (Hydroxyl) molecules and oxygen atoms.


Objektua:    Zodiakoko argia eta Aire-distira.

Esposizio-denbora:  30s. ISO 4000.

Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

Objetiboa:    Canon 16-35.

Kamera:    Canon 6DMKII.

Jarraipena:    -.

Data:    2019ko uztailak 2. Txile.

●  Object:    Zodiacal light and Airglow.

●  Exposure:   30s. ISO 4000.

●  Processing:    PixInsight Core 1.8.

●  Lens:    Canon 16-35.

●  Camera:    Canon 6DMKII.

●  Guiding:    -.

●  Date:    2nd of July 2019. Chile.



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All the images in this site are © copyright 1999-2019 by Iñaki Lizaso. Any use of these images without the prior written consent of the autor is strictly prohibited. Contact Iñaki Lizaso at edif300@yahoo.es
Web gune honetako irudi guztiek Iñaki Lizasoren © copyright 1999-2019 dute. Irudi hauen edozein motako erabiliera egilearen idatzizko baimenik gabe zorrozki debekatua dago. Jar zaitez Iñaki Lizasorekin harremanetan edif300@yahoo.es

© 1999-2019 Iñaki Lizaso