Who made this site? - Contact

My name is Thierry Graff and I live in Aveyron, in the south west of France.
  • My initial formation is computer engineer (two years of preparatory classes ; two years spent at computer department of INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées), Lyon ; last year spent at MacGill university, Montreal, Quebec).
  • I worked a while as a developer, but I had almost completely lost interest for computing, so I stopped.
  • Meanwhile I got interested by different things, in particular astronomy. So I went working as an astronomy animator. I worked for the Planétarium de Montredon-Labessonié and the Centre d'Astronomie de Saint-Michel l'Observatoire.
  • Astronomy made me feel like programing again. So I bought a computer in 1997, and learnt (or re-learnt) programming.
  • I then worked again as a developer for two years, in Toulouse, France.

  • Currently, I'm taking a sabbatic year.

    Interested? let's work together If you are interested by this project, if you have questions, needs, comments, suggestions, contact me : jephem@astrosurf.com.
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