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actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class jephem.gui.SaveListener
And - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Andromeda" constellation.
ANGULAR_SPEED_UNIT_ARCSEC_PER_DAY - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "arc second per day" unit.
ANGULAR_SPEED_UNIT_ARCSEC_PER_S - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "arc second per time second" unit.
ANGULAR_SPEED_UNIT_DEG_PER_DAY - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "degree per day" unit.
ANGULAR_SPEED_UNIT_DEG_PER_S - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "degree per second" unit.
ANGULAR_SPEED_UNIT_RAD_PER_DAY - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "radian per day" unit.
ANGULAR_UNIT_ARCSEC - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "arc second" unit.
ANGULAR_UNIT_DEG - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "decimal degree" unit.
ANGULAR_UNIT_RAD - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "radian" unit.
Ant - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Antlia" constellation.
applyLAFChange() - Method in class jephem.gui.PreferencesDialog
Called when 'ApplyLAF' or 'OK' buttons are pressed.
Aps - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Apus" constellation.
Aql - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Aquila" constellation.
Aqr - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Aquarius" constellation.
Ara - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Ara" constellation.
Ari - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Aries" constellation.
AstroContext - class jephem.astro.AstroContext.
Conductor of ephemeris calculation.
AstroContext(double, int, int[]) - Constructor for class jephem.astro.AstroContext
The only constructor.
AstroException - exception jephem.astro.AstroException.
Exception thrown by classes of package jephem.astro when a serious problem occurs.
AstroException() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.AstroException
Default constructor
AstroException(Exception) - Constructor for class jephem.astro.AstroException
Constructor from an other Exception.
AstroException(String) - Constructor for class jephem.astro.AstroException
Constructor with an error message.
AstroPrefs - class
Handles general astronomy preferences.
AstroPrefs() - Constructor for class
Unique constructor ; if the file containing the preferences can't be read, uses hard-coded default values.
Aur - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Auriga" constellation.


BASE_ANGULAR_SPEED_UNIT - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
BASE_ANGULAR_UNIT - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
BASE_DISTANCE_UNIT - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
BASE_LINEAR_SPEED_UNIT - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Body - class jephem.astro.Body.
An object of this class represents a heavenly body.
Body(int) - Constructor for class jephem.astro.Body
Constructor to use in general.
Body(int, int, int, int[], int[], double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jephem.astro.Body
Complete constructor.
Boo - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Bootes" constellation.
BSC - Static variable in class
Constant to access to BSC number (= Harvard Revised Number).
BSC5 - class
Low-level class to access to BSC5 (Bright Star Catalog, version 5) data.
BSC5 - Static variable in interface
Represents the Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed.
BSC5() - Constructor for class
BUNDLE_ASTRO - Static variable in class jephem.GlobalVar
Constant designating the bundle where the astronomy internationalized strings are stored.
BUNDLE_GENERAL - Static variable in class jephem.GlobalVar
Constant designating the bundle where the general internationalized strings are stored.
BUNDLE_MENUS - Static variable in class jephem.GlobalVar
Constant designating the bundle where the menu internationalized strings are stored.


Cae - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Caelum" constellation.
calcBodyCoords(double, Body[], int, int, double, boolean, int[]) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.SwissEphemeris
Computation of body coordinates, using Swiss Ephemeris.
calcBodyCoords(int, boolean) - Method in class jephem.astro.AstroContext
Call to AstroContext.calcBodyCoords(int, int, double, boolean, int[]) with default values : sphereCart is set to spherical, units are set to ua, degrees, degrees for the positions and to ua/d, deg/d, deg/d for the velocities.
calcBodyCoords(int, int, double, boolean, int[]) - Method in class jephem.astro.AstroContext
Main calculation method for body coordinate calculation.
calcCoord(double, Body, double, boolean) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.Pluto99
Calculation of Pluto position and velocity.
calcCoord(double, Body, double, boolean) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ELP82
Calculation of Moon coordinates.
calcCoord(double, Body, double, boolean) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87.VSOP87
Calculation of planetary positions, from Mercury to Neptune, using VSOP87 theory.
calcDeltaPsiEpsilon(double, double, double) - Static method in class jephem.astro.Nutation
Calculates the nutation quantities Dy and De for a given time, in arc seconds.
calcDeltaT(double) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Time
Returns the value deltaT = TAI - UTC, in seconds.
calcMjd(double) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Time
Returns the 'Modified Julian Day', number of Julian Days elapsed since November 17 1858, 00:00:00.
Cam - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Camelopardalis" constellation.
Cap - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Capricornus" constellation.
Car - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Carina" constellation.
CARTESIAN - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the cartesian way to express coordinates.
cartToSphere(boolean) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Transformation of coordinates (positions and velocities), from cartesian to spherical.
Cas - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Cassiopeia" constellation.
Cen - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Centaurus" constellation.
Cep - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Cepheus" constellation.
Cet - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Cetus" constellation.
Cha - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Chamaeleon" constellation.
changeDisplayConstellationAbbreviations() - Method in class
Inverts the flag indicating if the constellation abbreviations must be displayed on the map.
changeDisplayConstellationBoundaries() - Method in class
Inverts the flag indicating if the constellation boundaries must be displayed on the map.
changeDisplayConstellationLines() - Method in class
Inverts the flag indicating if the constellation lines must be displayed on the map.
changeGridDisplay(int) - Method in class
Changes the grid display for the specified frame and repaints.
Cir - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Circinus" constellation.
CMa - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Canis Major" constellation.
CMi - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Canis Minor" constellation.
Cnc - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Cancer" constellation.
Col - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Columba" constellation.
Com - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Coma Berenices" constellation.
ComputationException - exception jephem.astro.solarsystem.ComputationException.
Exception to throw when the computation of a planet can't be done correctly.
ComputationException(int, int, double, int) - Constructor for class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ComputationException
Constellation - class
Represents a constellation, and hold its assoiated data.
Constellation() - Constructor for class
ConstellationConstants - interface
Contains constants to access to the constellations.
Constellations - class
Holds data and methods to handle constellations.
Constellations() - Constructor for class
containsVelocityCoord(int[]) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Space
Tests if the coordinates passed in parameter contain one or more velocity coordinate.
convertUnits(double[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Units
Converts coordinates expressed with 'units1' to coordinates expressed with 'units2'.
convertUnits(Vector3, int[], int[]) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Units
Method equivalent to Units.convertUnits(double[],int[],int[]), using Vector3 instead of double.
COORD_V0 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the first velocity coordinate (dX/dt in cartesian, dr/dt in spherical).
COORD_V1 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the second velocity coordinate (dY/dt in cartesian, dq/dt in spherical).
COORD_V2 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the third velocity coordinate (dZ/dt in cartesian, dj/dt in spherical).
COORD_X0 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the first spatial coordinate (X in cartesian, r in spherical).
COORD_X1 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the second spatial coordinate (Y in cartesian, q in spherical).
COORD_X2 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the third spatial coordinate (Z in cartesian, j in spherical).
COORDGROUP_DELTA_BETA_LAMBDA - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the "delta, beta, lambda" group of coordinates.
COORDGROUP_DIST_ALPHA_DELTA - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the "distance alpha, delta" group of coordinates.
COORDGROUP_RLB - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the "r, l, b" group of coordinates.
COORDGROUP_XYZ - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the "X, Y, Z" group of coordinates.
CrA - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Corona Austrina" constellation.
CrB - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Corona Borealis" constellation.
Crt - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Crater" constellation.
Cru - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Crux" constellation.
Crv - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Corvus" constellation.
Curve - class
Visual representation of curve plotting.
Curve(double[][]) - Constructor for class
Constructor from an array containing at the same time X and Y values.
CurveViewer - class jephem.gui.CurveViewer.
GUI component surrounding a Curve.
CurveViewer(double[][]) - Constructor for class jephem.gui.CurveViewer
Unique constructor.
CVn - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Canes Venatici" constellation.
Cyg - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Cygnus" constellation.


DATE_LIMIT_ERROR - Static variable in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ComputationException
Constant to indicate that this exception is due to a date out of range problem.
DAYS_PER_CENTURY - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants
Number of days per century ( = 36525).
DAYS_PER_MILLENIUM - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants
Number of days per millenium ( = 365250).
DAYS_PER_YEAR - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants
Number of days per year ( = 365.25).
Debug - class jephem.util.Debug.
Contains methods report exceptions - can be used in debug and production contexts.
Debug() - Constructor for class jephem.util.Debug
DEC - Static variable in class
Constant to access to dec. 2000.
DEGREES_DECIMAL - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant used to indicate that degrees should be formated as decimal degrees.
DEGREES_DMS - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant used to indicate that degrees should be formated as "degrees minutes seconds" (ex : 123°18'23").
Del - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Delphinus" constellation.
DELTA_BETWEEN_BASES - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
DIR_APP - Static variable in class jephem.GlobalVar
Constant designating the application directory (myPath/JEphem).
DIR_DATA - Static variable in class jephem.GlobalVar
Constant designating the directory where application data are stored (myPath/JEphem/data).
DIR_LANG - Static variable in class jephem.GlobalVar
Constant designating the directory where internationalized strings are stored (myPath/JEphem/data/lang).
DIR_PREFS - Static variable in class jephem.GlobalVar
Constant designating the directory where user preferences are stored (myPath/JEphem/data/prefs).
DIR_SRC - Static variable in class jephem.GlobalVar
Constant designating the directory where sources are stored (myPath/JEphem/java/src).
DISPLAY_DATES - Static variable in class
Constant meaning that dates should be displayed as formatted dates.
DISPLAY_JDS - Static variable in class
Constant meaning that dates should be displayed as julian days.
DISTANCE_UNIT_AU - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "astronomical unit" unit.
DISTANCE_UNIT_KM - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "kilometer" unit.
DISTANCE_UNIT_M - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "meter" unit.
doClone() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns a copy of this body.
Dor - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Dorado" constellation.
Dra - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Draco" constellation.
drawCircle(Graphics2D, double, double, double) - Method in class
Draws a circle on the given Graphics2D, taking into account the eye matrix.


E0_1900 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Mean obliquity for t = 1900.0 (23.4522944)
E0_1950 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Mean obliquity for t = 1950.0 (23.4457889)
E0_2000 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Mean obliquity for t = 2000.0 (23.439292).
EARTH - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating the Earth (value = 4).
ELP82 - class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ELP82.
Calculation of the Moon coordinates with ELP-2000 82B theory.
ELP82 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.PlanetaryTheory
Constant identifying ELP82b-2000 planetary theory.
ELP82() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ELP82
ENGLISH_TIMEFRAME_NAMES - Static variable in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Time
Contains the english names of time frames ; use constants UTC or TT_TDB of this interface to access to the names.
Ephemeris - class
An Ephemeris is the representation of a coordinate at different instants.
Ephemeris(int[], double[], int, int[], int[], int, int, double, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Unique constructor, which orders the computations to be done.
Equ - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Equuleus" constellation.
Eri - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Eridanus" constellation.


For - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Fornax" constellation.
FRAME_EC_HELIO_GEOMETRIC - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating heliocentric ecliptic reference frame, for geometric coordinates.
FRAME_ECLIPTIC - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating geocentric ecliptic reference frame ; coordinates expressed in this frame are true apparent coordinates.
FRAME_EQUATORIAL - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating geocentric equatorial reference frame ; coordinates expressed in this frame are true apparent coordinates.
FRAME_GALACTIC - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating galactic reference frame.
FRAME_HORIZONTAL_TOPOCENTRIC - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating horizontal topocentric reference frame.
FRAME_THEORY - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant to express that of a coordinate is expressed in the frame of the theory used to compute it.


Gem - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Gemini" constellation.
getAbbreviation(int) - Static method in class
Returns the latin abbreviation of the constellation.
getAllY() - Method in class
Returns the values of the Y axis, for all the curves.
getAstroEngine() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the implementation used to perform the astronomical computations.
getAstroPrefs() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the astronomical preferences of JEphem.
getBodies() - Method in class jephem.astro.AstroContext
Returns the bodies handled by this AstroContext.
getBody(int) - Method in class jephem.astro.AstroContext
Returns the Body handled by this AstroContext whose index is 'whichBody'.
getBodyIndex() - Method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ComputationException
Returns the body index of this exception.
getBodyIndexes() - Method in class
Returns the indexes of the bodies handled by this Ephemeris.
getBodyName(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystem
Returns the English label of a body.
getBoundaries(int) - Static method in class
Returns the coordinates of the constellation boundaries.
getBundle(int) - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the Bundle containing internationalized general astronomical terms.
getCentralPanel() - Method in class jephem.gui.MainFrame
Returns the display area of the application (the central panel).
getComputationException() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns a computation exception, if one was thrown while computing the coordinates of this body.
getConstellation(double, double) - Static method in class
Returns the latin abbreviation of the constellation which "contains" a given couple (right ascension, declination).
getCoord(int) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns the coordinate designated by 'iCoord' .
getCoord(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Space
Returns the SpaceConstants's COORD_XXX constant corresponding to coordIndex.
getCoordGroup(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Space
Returns the group of coordinates associated with a frame.
getCoordGroupLabels(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Space
Returns the labels of position coordinates of a group of coordinates.
getCoordinateExpression() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns the way body's coordinates are expressed (spherical, cartesian), using SpaceConstants constants for it.
getCoordinateExpressionLabel(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Space
Returns the English label of a coordinate expression (returns "cartesian" or "spherical").
getCurve() - Method in class jephem.gui.CurveViewer
Returns the Curve associated with this CurveViewer.
getData() - Method in class
Returns the data of this Ephemeris.
getData() - Method in class
Returns the data displayed by this curve.
getDataLabel(int) - Static method in class
Returns the English label of the specified data.
getDirectory(int) - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns one of the application directories.
getDoubleData(int, int) - Static method in class
Returns a String data for a particular star.
getEmbeddedException() - Method in class jephem.astro.AstroException
getEqNutationMatrix() - Method in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Returns the nutation matrix permitting to transform from mean equatorial coordinates of a date to true equatorial coordinates of a date.
getEqPrecessionMatrix() - Method in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Returns the precession matrix permitting to transform from mean equatorial coordinates of the fixedEpoch to mean equatorial coordinates of the date.
getErrorType() - Method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ComputationException
Returns the error type of this exception.
getEyeMatrix() - Method in class
Returns the eye matrix, used to define the viewer's orientation.
getFrame() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns the reference frame in which the body's coordinates are expressed, using SpaceConstants.FRAME_XXX constants.
getFrameLabel(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Space
Returns the English label of a body.
getGenitive(int) - Static method in class
Returns the latin genitive of the constellation.
getGridDisplay(int) - Method in class
Returns the "grid display" of this sky map.
getGridInterval(int) - Method in class
Returns the "grid interval" of this sky map, in degrees.
getHTMLPane() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the HTML display area of the application.
getHtmlString(int, boolean, int, int) - Method in class
Returns a HTML String representation of the Ephemeris.
getIndex() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns the index of this body, using SolarSystemConstants constants.
getIntArrayProperty(String) - Method in class
This method has been overriden because some properties are expressed with constant names and can be retrieved using reflection through TigProperties.getIntConstant.
getJd() - Method in class jephem.astro.AstroContext
Returns the julian day of this AstroContext.
getJDs() - Method in class
Returns the instants of this Ephemeris, expressed in julian days.
getJEphemPrefs() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the general preferences of JEphem.
getJulianDay(int) - Method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ComputationException
Returns the julian day concerned by this exception.
getLang() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the current language, using ISO-639 language code (lower case two-letter code).
getLocale() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the current Locale.
getMainFrame() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the top-level frame of the Application.
getName() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns the English name of this body.
getNbX() - Method in class
Returns the number of X values.
getNbY() - Method in class
Returns the number of curves held by this Curve .
getNominative(int) - Static method in class
Returns the latin nominative (current name) of the constellation.
getPositionCoords() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns a vector containing the position coordinates.
getPositionUnits() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns the units used to express the positions, using constants of UnitsConstants.
getPrecision(int, double) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.Pluto99
Returns the precision of the calculation for a given julian day and a given body.
getPrecision(int, double) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ELP82
Returns the precision of the calculation for a given julian day and a given body.
getPrecision(int, double) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87.VSOP87
Returns the precision of VSOP87 for a given body and a given julian day.
getQuantity(int) - Method in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Returns a quantity (precession or nutation), expressed in arc seconds.
getStatus() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the status bar (generally on bottom of main window).
getStatusText() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Returns the text of the status bar (generally on bottom of main window).
getStringData(int, int) - Static method in class
Returns a String data for a particular star.
getTimeFrameLabel(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Time
Returns the english names of time frames ; use constants UTC or TT_TDB of TimeConstants to access to the names.
getTrueEqToEcMatrix() - Method in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Returns the nutation matrix permitting to transform from mean equatorial coordinates of a date to true equatorial coordinates of a date.
getTT(double) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Time
Computes TT from UTC, using the formula TT = UTC + 32.184s + deltaT.
getUnitLabel(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Units
Returns the English label of a unit.
getUnitLabels(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Units
Returns the English labels of units of a certain type.
getUnits(int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Units
Returns the constants expressing the units of a certain type.
getUnitType(int, int) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Units
Returns the type of unit depending on coordinate expression (spherical / cartesian) and the concerned coordinate (X0, X1, X2, V0, V1, V2).
getUTC(double) - Static method in class jephem.astro.spacetime.Time
Computes UTC from TT, using the formula UTC = TT - 32.184s - deltaT.
getVelocityCoords() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns a vector containing the position coordinates.
getVelocityUnits() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Returns the units used to express the velocities, using constants of UnitsConstants.
getXValues() - Method in class
Returns the values of the X axis.
getY(int) - Method in class
Returns the values of the Y axis for the requested curve.
getY(int, double) - Method in class
Returns the values of the Y axis for the requested curve.
getZoom() - Method in class
Returns the zoom of this sky map.
GlobalVar - class jephem.GlobalVar.
Contains static methods to get / set the global variables of JEphem application.
GlobalVar() - Constructor for class jephem.GlobalVar
GRID_FULL - Static variable in class
Constant to indicate that the whole grid must be displayed.
GRID_NONE - Static variable in class
Constant to indicate that no grid must be displayed.
GRID_PLANE - Static variable in class
Constant to indicate that only the reference plane must be displayed.
Gru - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Grus" constellation.
GUI_TRACE - Static variable in class jephem.util.Debug
Constant to indicate that the way to trace exceptions is done through a dialog box, using internationalization.


HD - Static variable in class
Constant to access to HD catalog number.
Her - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Hercules" constellation.
Hor - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Horologium" constellation.
Hya - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Hydra" constellation.
Hyi - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Hydrus" constellation.


Ind - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Indus" constellation.
INSTANTS_IN_COLUMNS - Static variable in class
Constant meaning that the generated Ephemeris must have instants in columns and positions in rows.
INSTANTS_IN_ROWS - Static variable in class
Constant meaning that the generated Ephemeris must have positions in columns and instants in rows.


JD1900 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants
Julian date of 01/01/1900, 12h00m00s TU ( = 2415020.0).
JD2000 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants
Julian date of 01/01/2000, 12h00m00s TU ( = 2451545.0).
JD2100 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants
Julian date of 01/01/2100, 12h00m00s TU ( = 2488070.0).
jephem - package jephem
Contains classes used for the startup of the application.
JEphem - class jephem.JEphem.
Conductor of JEphem application ; contains the main() method, which : initializes JEphem global variables, loads internationalized data useful at startup, builds the main frame for GUI (Graphical User Interface),

JEphem needs to have 'tig' package in the classpath to run.
JEPHEM - Static variable in class jephem.astro.AstroContext
Constant used to designate JEphem as the astro engine.
jephem.astro - package jephem.astro
General classes to conduct ephemeris calculation. - package
Classes to represent extra solar system objects.
jephem.astro.solarsystem - package jephem.astro.solarsystem
Contains classes to perform computations on objects of the solar system.
jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87 - package jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87
Classes and data to compute planetary positions using VSOP87 theory.
jephem.astro.spacetime - package jephem.astro.spacetime
Classes related with spatial and temporal reference frames.
jephem.gui - package jephem.gui
Classes handling the Graphical User Interface (GUI). - package
Classes using jephem.astro API to give higher-level services ; these classes are not inside jephem.astro package because they depend on data saved in property files.
jephem.util - package jephem.util
Contains utilities specific to JEphem (general utilities are in package tig).
JEphem() - Constructor for class jephem.JEphem
JEphemPrefs - class jephem.JEphemPrefs.
Class permitting to access to the general preferences of JEphem.
JEphemPrefs() - Constructor for class jephem.JEphemPrefs
Unique constructor.
JUPITER - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating Jupiter (value = 6).


KEY_ASTRO_ENGINE - Static variable in class
Constant to use as a key to access to the 'astroEngine' property of this preference.
KEY_AVAILABLE_FRAMES - Static variable in class
Constant to use as a key to access to the 'availableFrames' property of these preferences.
KEY_COUNTRY - Static variable in class jephem.JEphemPrefs
Constant to use as a key to access to the 'country' property of this preference.
KEY_CURRENT_BODIES - Static variable in class
Constant to use as a key to access to the 'currentBodies' property of these preferences.
KEY_LAF - Static variable in class jephem.JEphemPrefs
Constant to use as a key to access to the 'look and feel' property of this preference.
KEY_LANG - Static variable in class jephem.JEphemPrefs
Constant to use as a key to access to the 'language' property of this preference - "lang".
KEY_PRECISION - Static variable in class
Constant to use as a key to access the 'precision' property of these preferences.
KM_PER_AU - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Value of an astronomical unit, in km (149597870.61 ; value IERS 1992).


Lac - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Lacerta" constellation.
Leo - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Leo" constellation.
Lep - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Lepus" constellation.
Lib - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Libra" constellation.
LIGHT_VELOCITY - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Value of light velocity, (value UAI 1976 : 299792458 km.s-1).
LINEAR_SPEED_UNIT_AU_PER_D - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "astronomical unit per day" unit.
LINEAR_SPEED_UNIT_KM_PER_D - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "kilometer per day" unit.
LINEAR_SPEED_UNIT_KM_PER_HOUR - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "kilometer per hour" unit.
LINEAR_SPEED_UNIT_M_PER_S - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "meter per second" unit.
LMi - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Leo Minor" constellation.
Lup - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Lupus" constellation.
Lyn - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Lynx" constellation.
Lyr - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Lyra" constellation.


MAG - Static variable in class
Constant to access to visual magnitude.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jephem.JEphem
Entry point of JEphem application.
MainFrame - class jephem.gui.MainFrame.
Main frame of the application.
MainFrame() - Constructor for class jephem.gui.MainFrame
Unique constructor.
MARS - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating Mars (value = 5).
MeanTrue - class jephem.astro.MeanTrue.
An object of this class holds data permitting to handle conversions between mean and true coordinates.
MeanTrue(double, double) - Constructor for class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Unique constructor.
Men - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Mensa" constellation.
MERCURY - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating Mercury (value = 2).
Mic - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Microscopium" constellation.
MINUS - Static variable in class
Constant to indicate indirect sens of rotation (clockwise).
Mon - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Monoceros" constellation.
MOON - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating the Moon (value = 1).
Mus - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Musca" constellation.


NB_BODIES - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Number of heavenly bodies known by JEphem
NB_CONSTELLATIONS - Static variable in interface
Number of constellations (88).
NB_COORDS - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Usual number of coordinates - value= 3 ; just for cleaner code.
NB_STARS - Static variable in class
Number of stars in the catalog.
NEPTUNE - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating Neptune (value = 9).
NewCurveDialog - class jephem.gui.NewCurveDialog.
Modal dialog displayed when a new Curve plotting is asked by the user.
NewCurveDialog() - Constructor for class jephem.gui.NewCurveDialog
Unique constructor
NewEphemerisDialog - class jephem.gui.NewEphemerisDialog.
Modal dialog displayed when a new Ephemeris is asked by the user.
NewEphemerisDialog() - Constructor for class jephem.gui.NewEphemerisDialog
Unique constructor
Nor - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Norma" constellation.
Nutation - class jephem.astro.Nutation.
Class to compute nutation quantities Dy and De.
Nutation() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.Nutation


Oct - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Octans" constellation.
Oph - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Ophiuchu" constellation.
Ori - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Orion" constellation.


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class
Paints the sky map on its display area.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class
Paints the curve on its display area.
PAR - Static variable in class
Constant to access to parallax.
Pav - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Pave" constellation.
Peg - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Pegasus" constellation.
Per - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Perseus" constellation.
Phe - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Phoenix" constellation.
Pic - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Pictor" constellation.
PlanetaryTheory - interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.PlanetaryTheory.
Interface to be implemented by classes which compute planetary positions
This interface is empty because java doesn't allow to specify static methods in interfaces.
PLUS - Static variable in class
Constant to indicate direct sens of rotation (anti-clockwise).
PLUTO - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating Pluto (value = 10).
Pluto99 - class jephem.astro.solarsystem.Pluto99.
Calculation of Pluto coordinates, based on the work of J.
PLUTO99 - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.PlanetaryTheory
Constant identifying Pluto99 planetary theory.
Pluto99() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.solarsystem.Pluto99
PRECISION_ERROR - Static variable in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ComputationException
Constant to indicate that this exception is due to a precision problem.
PreferencesDialog - class jephem.gui.PreferencesDialog.
Modal dialog which permits to the user to choose the preferences of JEphem.
PreferencesDialog() - Constructor for class jephem.gui.PreferencesDialog
Unique constructor
PsA - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Piscis Austrinus" constellation.
Pse - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Pisces" constellation.
Pup - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Puppis" constellation.
Pyx - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Pyxis" constellation.


QTY_chi_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access ca precession quantity (value = 11).
QTY_deltaEpsilon - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access De precession quantity (value = 13).
QTY_deltaPsi - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access Dy nutation quantity (value = 12).
QTY_epsilon_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access ea precession quantity (value = 8).
QTY_omega_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access Wa precession quantity (value = 9).
QTY_P_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access Pa precession quantity (value = 4).
QTY_pi_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access pa precession quantity (value = 2).
QTY_PI_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access Pa precession quantity (value = 3).
QTY_psi_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access ya precession quantity (value = 10).
QTY_sc_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access sin(pa)cos(Pa) precession quantity (value = 1).
QTY_ss_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access sin(pa)sin(Pa) precession quantity (value = 0).
QTY_theta_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access qa precession quantity (value = 5).
QTY_z_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access za precession quantity (value = 7).
QTY_zeta_a - Static variable in class jephem.astro.MeanTrue
Constant to access za precession quantity (value = 6).


RA - Static variable in class
Constant to access to r.a. 2000.
reloadData() - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Reloads global variables depending on the properties.
Ret - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Reticulum" constellation.
rotateEye(int, double) - Method in class
Changes the orientation of the viewer's eye and repaints.


SAO - Static variable in class
Constant to access to SAO catalog number.
SATURN - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating Saturn (value = 7).
SaveListener - class jephem.gui.SaveListener.
Generic listener for 'Save' events, when a String needs to be saved in a file.
SaveListener(JComponent, String) - Constructor for class jephem.gui.SaveListener
Scl - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Sculptor" constellation.
Sco - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Scorpius" constellation.
Sct - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Scutum" constellation.
SECONDS_PER_DAY - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants
Number of seconds in a day (24 x 3600 = 86400).
sendError(Exception) - Static method in class jephem.util.Debug
Traces an exception in a text area of an autonom frame.
Ser - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Serpens" constellation.
SerA - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Serpens Caput" constellation ; WARNING : this does not designate an official constellation.
SerB - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Serpens Cauda" constellation ; WARNING : this does not designate an official constellation.
setAstroEngine(String) - Static method in class jephem.astro.AstroContext
Permits to indicate which implementation to use for the computations.
setComputationException(ComputationException) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
To store a computation exception, if one is thrown while computing the coordinates of this body.
setCoord(int, double) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Sets a coordinate using an index to designate the coordinate.
setCoordinateExpression(int) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Sets the way body's coordinates are expressed ; use SpaceConstants.
setCurve(Curve) - Method in class jephem.gui.CurveViewer
Sets the Curve associated with this CurveViewer.
setData(double[][]) - Method in class
Sets the data displayed by this curve.
setDataPath(String) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.SwissEphemeris
Sets the path to data ; SwissEphem data are in /astro/swissEphem.
setDataPath(String) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.ELP82
Sets the path to data used by ELP82 to perform the computations.
setDataPath(String) - Static method in class jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87.VSOP87
Sets the path where the VSOP87 files are located ; MUST be called before using VSOP87.
setDataPath(String) - Static method in class
Sets the path where the BSC5 data are located ; MUST be called before calling any other method of this class.
setDisplayConstellationAbbreviations(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag indicating if the constellation abbreviations must be displayed on the map.
setDisplayConstellationBoundaries(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag indicating if the constellation boundaries must be displayed on the map.
setDisplayConstellationLines(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag indicating if the constellation lines must be displayed on the map.
setEyeMatrix(Matrix3) - Method in class
Sets the eye matrix, used to define the viewer's orientation.
setEyeOrientation(double, double) - Method in class
Sets the orientation of the viewer's eye and repaints.
setFrame(int) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Sets the reference frame in which the body's coordinates are expressed ;
use SpaceConstants.FRAME_XXX constants.
setGridDisplay(int, int) - Method in class
Sets the "grid display" of this sky map.
setGridInterval(int, double) - Method in class
Sets the "grid interval" of this sky map, in degrees.
setHTMLPane(JEditorPane) - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
This method is public as a implementation side effect.
setIndex(int) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Sets the index of this body, using SolarSystemConstants constants.
setPositionCoords(double, double, double) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Sets the position coordinates from 3 doubles.
setPositionCoords(Vector3) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Sets the position coordinates from a vector.
setPositionUnits(int[]) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Sets the units used to express the positions, using constants of UnitsConstants.
setStatusText(String) - Static method in class jephem.GlobalVar
Permits to modify the text of the status bar (generally on bottom of main window).
setVelocityCoords(double, double, double) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Sets the velocity coordinates from 3 doubles.
setVelocityCoords(Vector3) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Sets the velocity coordinates from a vector.
setVelocityUnits(int[]) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
sets the units used to express the velocities, using constants of UnitsConstants.
setZoom(double) - Method in class
Sets the zoom of this sky map, and repaints.
Sex - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Sextans" constellation.
Sge - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Sagitta" constellation.
Sgr - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Sagittarius" constellation.
showErrorMessage(Throwable) - Static method in class jephem.gui.UtilsGUI
Convenient method to display an error message
showWarningMessage(String) - Static method in class jephem.gui.UtilsGUI
Convenient method to display a warning message
SIDERAL_RATE - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Sideral rate of Earth rotation.
SkyMap - class
A visual representation of a sky map.
SkyMap() - Constructor for class
Unique constructor.
SkyMapBase - class
Contains the geometrical functionalities of a sky map ; do not use this class directly, use instead SkyMap.
SkyMapBase() - Constructor for class
Unique constructor.
SkyMapViewer - class jephem.gui.SkyMapViewer.
GUI component surrounding a SkyMap.
SkyMapViewer() - Constructor for class jephem.gui.SkyMapViewer
SolarSystem - class jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystem.
This class contains general static method related to solar system matters.
SolarSystem() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystem
SolarSystemConstants - interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants.
Contains general constants for ephemeris calculation.
Space - class jephem.astro.spacetime.Space.
Contains static methods used when dealing with space.
Space() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.spacetime.Space
SpaceConstants - interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants.
Interface containing constants related with space.
sphereToCart(boolean) - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
Transformation of coordinates (positions and velocities), from spherical to cartesian.
SPHERICAL - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.SpaceConstants
Constant designating the spherical way to express coordinates.
STACK_TRACE - Static variable in class jephem.util.Debug
Constant to indicate that the way to trace exceptions is equivalent to printStackTrace() - default mode.
StarCatalogs - interface
Interface containing constants to identify star catalogs used in JEphem.
start() - Method in class jephem.JEphem
Sets the main frame visible.
store() - Method in class jephem.JEphemPrefs
Stores these preferences in the appropriate file with the appropriate header.
store() - Method in class
Stores these preferences in the appropriate file with the appropriate header.
SUN - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating the Sun (value = 0).
SWISS_EPHEMERIS - Static variable in class jephem.astro.AstroContext
Constant used to designate Swiss Ephemeris as the astro engine.
SwissEphemeris - class jephem.astro.solarsystem.SwissEphemeris.
Class serving to interface JEphem and the java port of SwissEphemeris.
SwissEphemeris() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.solarsystem.SwissEphemeris


Tau - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Taurus" constellation.
Tel - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Telescopium" constellation.
THEORY_NAMES - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.PlanetaryTheory
Array containing English names of planetary theories.
Time - class jephem.astro.spacetime.Time.
Contains static methods used when dealing with time.
Time() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.spacetime.Time
TimeConstants - interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants.
Interface containing constants related with space.
toString() - Method in class jephem.astro.Body
toString() - Method in class
Returns a basic String representation of this Ephemeris (useful for debug).
toString() - Method in class
Returns a String representation of this curve.
TrA - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Triangulum Australe" constellation.
traceError(Exception) - Static method in class jephem.util.Debug
Traces an exception in a text area of an autonom frame.
Tri - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Triangulum" constellation.
TT_TDB - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants
Constant used to characterize that a date is expressed in TT (Terrestrial Time), which is considered as equal to TDB (Temps Dynamique Barycentrique) in JEphem.
Tuc - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Tucana" constellation.
TYP - Static variable in class
Constant to access to spectral type.
TYPE_ANGULAR - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating units of type "angular".
TYPE_ANGULAR_SPEED - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating units of type "angular speed".
TYPE_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating units of type "linear disance".
TYPE_LINEAR_SPEED - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating units of type "linear speed".


UMa - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Ursa Major" constellation.
UMi - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Ursa Minor" constellation.
UNITGROUP_AU_AU_AU - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "a.u., a.u., a.u." group of units (for positions, cartesian coordinates).
UNITGROUP_AU_DEG_DEG - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "a.u., deg, deg" group of units (for positions, spherical coordinates).
UNITGROUP_AU_RAD_RAD - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "a.u., rad, rad" group of units (for positions, spherical coordinates).
UNITGROUP_AUD_AUD_AUD - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "au/d, au/d, au/d" group of units (for velocities, cartesian coordinates).
UNITGROUP_KM_KM_KM - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants
Constant designating the "a.u., a.u., a.u." group of units (for positions, cartesian coordinates).
Units - class jephem.astro.spacetime.Units.
Contains methods to format and transform units and coordinates.
Units() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.spacetime.Units
UnitsConstants - interface jephem.astro.spacetime.UnitsConstants.
Interface containing constants to identify units.
URANUS - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating Uranus (value = 8).
UTC - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.spacetime.TimeConstants
Constant used to characterize that a date is expressed in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time).
UtilsGUI - class jephem.gui.UtilsGUI.
Class containing utility static methods and constants for JEphem's GUI.
UtilsGUI() - Constructor for class jephem.gui.UtilsGUI


Vel - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Vela" constellation.
VENUS - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.SolarSystemConstants
Constant Designating Venus (value = 3).
Vir - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Virgo" constellation.
Vol - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Volans" constellation.
VSOP87 - class jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87.VSOP87.
Low-level class performing calculations of planet coordinates from VSOP87 theory,
VSOP87() - Constructor for class jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87.VSOP87
VSOP87A_FULL - Static variable in interface jephem.astro.solarsystem.PlanetaryTheory
Constant identifying full precision version of VSOP87A planetary theory.
Vul - Static variable in interface
Constant to access to "Vulpecula" constellation.


X - Static variable in class
Constant to indicate X axis.


Y - Static variable in class
Constant to indicate Y axis.


Z - Static variable in class
Constant to indicate Z axis.

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