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Interface PlanetaryTheory

All Known Implementing Classes:
ELP82, Pluto99, VSOP87

public interface PlanetaryTheory

Interface to be implemented by classes which compute planetary positions
This interface is empty because java doesn't allow to specify static methods in interfaces. But all implementing classes of JEphem provide a method :
public static double getPrecision(int bodyIndex, double jd);

This interface is also used to define constants identifying planetary theories.

Field Summary
static int ELP82
          Constant identifying ELP82b-2000 planetary theory.
static int PLUTO99
          Constant identifying Pluto99 planetary theory.
static java.lang.String[] THEORY_NAMES
          Array containing English names of planetary theories.
static int VSOP87A_FULL
          Constant identifying full precision version of VSOP87A planetary theory.

Field Detail


public static final int ELP82
Constant identifying ELP82b-2000 planetary theory.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PLUTO99
Constant identifying Pluto99 planetary theory.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String[] THEORY_NAMES
Array containing English names of planetary theories. Use constants identifying planetary theories to access to its elements.


public static final int VSOP87A_FULL
Constant identifying full precision version of VSOP87A planetary theory.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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