Strange Stars

Jose Ribeiro

HET614, sem.2 2002

Swinburne Astronomy Online




Stars are the most fascinating objects in Nature. Thanks to them matter is synthesised and we owe them our existence. In their evolution very extreme physical situations happen that stars will probably be the best laboratories of physics at mankind reach.

Human knowledge has in some way defined the basic concepts of birth, life, and death of many of these objects. Yet, there is a lot to be discovered, mainly in the aspects where observation does not follow theory, either by disagreement or by lack of data.

This text refers precisely one of these points, in which theory predicts the existence of stars containing a certain form of  matter, the strange quark matter.  But, it has not yet been done observationally in a concrete way the discovery of any of those stars. Yet, surprisingly, it is probable that those stars are already well known to us...





According to the Standard Model of particle physics, matter is formed by elementary particles, six leptons and six quarks, that obey the Fermi-Dirac statistics and Pauli´s principle of exclusion. These particles are known as fermions. The Standard Model also includes four forces that act on the fermions: gravity, strong nuclear force, weak force, and electromagnetic force. These forces are transmitted by another kind of particles, the bosons, that obey the Bose-Einstein statistics and do not obey the Pauli´s principle of exclusion, i.e., several can occupy the same quantum state. Until now, it was proved the existence of the photon, the electromagnetic boson, eight gluons, responsible for the strong nuclear force, the Z, W+ and W- bosons that transmit the weak force. The  graviton, responsible for the gravity, has not yet been discovered.

There are three families of leptons (electron-electron neutrino, muon-muon neutrino, and tau-tau neutrino) and three families of quarks (up-down, charm-strange, and top-bottom). Each quark has electric charge (u, c, t have +2/3 and d, s, b have –1/3) and colour charge related to the strong force (red, blue and green). All the families have their anti-particles with opposite charges.

Hadrons (baryons and mesons) are particles made of quarks and gluons. According to the Standard Model hadrons cannot carry colour charge. For this to happen, in a baryon, made of three quarks, the quarks must have different colour charges; in a meson, made of a quark and an anti-quark, the colours must be complementary.

Ordinary atomic nuclei are made of protons and neutrons. A proton is made of two up and one down quarks resulting in an electric charge of +1. A neutron is made of two down and one up quarks having neutral electric charge. In both cases, the quarks are bound by gluons. 

Neutrons and protons are bound in the atomic nucleus by the strong force transmitted by pions which are mesons formed by combinations of up, anti-up, down, and anti-down quarks. Ordinary matter as  we know it from Nature is then made of up and down quarks and respective anti-particles, and electron family. But, what will happen if the ordinary matter if submitted to pressures able to brake neutrons in their constituents, the quarks?


Strange Quark Matter


At high enough pressure, ordinary nuclei may dissolve their nuclear boundaries and transform in a called quark-gluon plasma, also known as quark matter. This plasma will be composed of quarks a locally deconfined, gluons and some electrons. Up and down quarks can convert into other flavours via the weak interaction. However, “in practice, only up, down and strange quarks occur in quark matter, because other quark flavours have masses much larger than the chemical potentials involved” [19]. Strange quark matter is then made of roughly equal numbers of deconfined up, down and strange quarks [2] [8] [19], some electrons and gluons. The electrons guarantee the charge neutrality.

“At any pressure, three flavour quark matter is energetically favoured over two flavour quark matter” [19] [7].

According to the called “strange matter hypothesis “, strange matter is absolutely stable; the energy per baryon of strange quark matter if less than the lowest energy per baryon found in the nuclei of iron 56. Should this hypothesis be true, then the ordinary state of matter, the hadronic state, is a metastable state [8]. This means that in favourable circumstances, ordinary matter will tend to transform into strange quark matter!

Strange matter may have been produced in early phases of the hot Universe, but may have evaporated completely as the Universe cooled [19]. Being this so, where comes from the strange matter necessary to build a strange star?



Strange Stars


Neutron stars may have the exact conditions to build strange matter in their interiors, and hence, neutron stars may be converted into strange stars [2][3]. Some authors as Witten in 1984 defend that “if the strange matter hypothesis is correct, there may be no neutron stars; instead, there may be strange stars”.

The discovery of quark matter in the core of neutron stars would be the proof that the strange quark matter isn’t absolutely stable [9]. In fact, the conversion of a neutron star into a strange star may occur in a time varying from 1ms to 1 second, which means that the transition phase is very short, assuming the strange quark matter hypothesis [8].

The conversion of neutron stars into strange stars may happen through several mechanisms, most of them related with a “seed” of strange quark matter in contact with free neutrons. The “seeds” may be created in the high pressures and temperatures inside the neutron stars, such as the creation of L (uds) baryons that may convert directly into strange matter. Otherwise, “seeds” may come from space, if there are small lumps in the Galaxy [9] [19].

The conversion of neutron stars into strange stars may liberate some 10 53 erg of energy, and may be responsible for some g-ray bursts detected at Z»1-3 [4].

The temperature of a strange star may be as high as a few times 1011K when it forms [6].

Strange stars may exist with or without a crust.

A bare strange star has a quark matter surface and a cloud of electrons around it. The electrons are held electromagnetically to the surface and extends several hundred fermis above it. The surface is held by the strong force and its “integrity is greater than for any other astrophysical object  known” [19]. Bare strange stars are thought to be bad radiators of thermal X-ray photons [6] [19]. However, due to the huge electric field around the surface, pairs of electron-positron are emitted inducing hard X-ray emission if the surface temperature is higher than 5x108K. In bare strange stars the surface temperature is close to the core temperature. A strange star  remains nearly bare when the surface temperature is higher than 3x107 K.

A  strange star may have a thin crust of “normal matter” supported by the huge outward electric field, as long as this matter doesn’t have free neutrons. If free neutrons exist in that crust, the contact with the strange matter will convert them immediately into strange matter. This implies that a strange star can only support a crust with the density below the neutron drip.

Neutron stars have a crust with two layers, the outer being a solid lattice of neutron-rich nuclei neutralised by electrons, and the inner one containing in addition a degenerate gas of free neutrons [20]. Strange stars can only support the correspondent outer layer, since ions do not react with the strange quark matter. The electromagnetic field  forces a gap between the crust and the strange quark matter surface, preventing strong interactions between the two [9] [19]. The minimum radius of a strange star with maximal crust is 5.5 km [5]. Pulsars, neutron stars with fast rotation, suffer from glitches, changes in the rotational speed, due to differences of moment of inertia between the core and the crust. However, “one cannot say definitely that strange stars can account for any complete set of glitch observations for a particular pulsar” [9].  Strange stars with crust have the same relationship between the core temperature and the surface temperature as neutron stars.

Since the theory aims to the possibility that neutron stars convert into strange stars, it is interesting to point out the similarities and differences between them.

Neutron stars have a minimum mass to exist, about 0.1 solar masses. Strange stars do not have a low mass limit.

Above about 3 solar masses, neutron stars cannot exist. Strange stars have a predicted maximum mass of 1.8 solar masses.

In neutron stars, the radius decreases with increasing mass. Strange stars with masses below 1 solar mass, has its mass proportional to the cube of its radius. Above 1 solar mass,  the mass curve diverges from cubed radius. For a mass roughly equal to 1.4 solar masses, the radius of a strange star is similar to that of a neutron star.

Neutron stars are bound by gravity. Strange stars are self-bounded objects, via the strong interaction.

In low mass specimens, the moment of inertia of strange stars is small compared to the moment of inertia of neutron stars.

Strange stars cool more rapidly than neutron stars, within the first thirty years after birth [17], because quark matter is a more effective emitter of neutrinos than neutron matter. Quark matter cools via the reactions:

d ® u + e- + anti ne

u + e- ® d + ne

s ® u + e- + anti ne

u + e- ® s + ne



Detection and Candidates


The detection of strange stars will not be an easy task. Some authors defend that “the population of quark stars can easily be as large as the population of black holes “ [11] [16]. Others say that 10% of the twenty five known ms pulsars may be in the transition phase to strange stars [9]. Others, more radical, defend that pulsars are not neutron stars but strange stars [10]. Others, on the contrary, say that “there is no compelling reason for the existence of strange pulsars” [14].

So far, the signatures of strange stars  relatively to neutron stars are based on cooling efficiency differences, rotational differences in pulsars, and on the determination of radius versus mass [6] [15]. Other signatures could be :

-         an oscilation  of about 250 GHz due to the radiation of currents generated in the crust [15]

-          protostrange stars can be convective. The dynamo effect could (?) be an element of distinction between strange stars and neutron stars [12].

-         bare strange stars can show a thermal featureless spectrum that can be a new proof to identify them.

-         may be that the detection of small lumps of strange quark matter, strangelets, be achieved in an experience that will be done in the International Space Station scheduled for 2005.

For the moment, the list of candidates for strange stars is very reduced: the X-ray burster 4U 1820 – 30, the ms pulsar SAX J1808.4 – 3658, the atoll source 4U 1728 – 34, the neutron star candidate J1856.5 – 3754 that may have a radius of 3.8 to 8.2 km, the X-ray pulsar Her X – 1, and the bursting X-ray pulsar GRO J1744 – 28.





 Strange stars are most likely to exist if the strange quark matter hypothesis is correct.

However our ability to detect them is much limited.

Experiments on this subject are presently taking place at RHIC and at LHC laboratories.

This fact could bring some danger to us, since charged strangelets could trigger the disruption of our planet.

A part of strange matter bodies may account for the Galactic dark matter, in the form of strange dwarfs and even strange planets.

Speculating a little on this, the Jupiter-like exoplanets found in orbits of 0.3 astronomical units would match the strange quark matter scenario, maintaining our theories of solar system intact.



References and Readings


[1]   Fierce Flash, Strange Star

        Charles Seife, Science Now, 18 Jul 2001

[2]   Pulsar may be strange star

        Physics world, Feb 2000

[3]   Quark star glimmers

        John Whitfield, Nature, 11 April 2002

[4]   The quark strange star in the enlarged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

        Ryszard Manka et al., New Journal of Physics 4 (2002) 14.1-14.18

[5]    On the minimum radius of strange stars with crust

         J.L. Zdunik, arXiv:astro-ph/0208334 v1 18 Aug 2002

[6]    Thermal evolution and Light Curves of Young Bare Strange Stars

         Dany Page et al., arXiv:astro-ph/0204275 v2 27Aug 2002

[7]    Strangelets and their possible astrophysical origin

         Luis Maspri, arXiv:astro-ph/0202096 v1 5 Feb 2002

[8]    Strange star candidates

         Ignazio Bombaci, arXiv:astro-ph/0201369 v1 22 Jan 2002

[9]    From Neutron  Stars to Strange Stars

         Fridolin Weber, arXiv:astro-ph/0112058 v1 4 Dec 2001

[10]   Are pulsars strange?

          R.C. Kapoor et al.

[11]   Population Synthesis of neutron stars, strange (quark) stars and black holes

          Belczynski, K et al., ADS, bibcode:2001ESASP.459..219B

[12]   The birth of strange stars and their dynamo-originated magnetic fields

          Xu, R..X et al. ADS, bibcode:2001A&A...371..963X

[13]   Strange Quark Stars: Structural Properties and Possible Signatures for Their


          Bombaci, Ignazio, ADS, bibcode:2001pnsi.conf..253B

[14]   Whither strange pulsars?

          Sushan Konar

[15]   Millimeter-Wave Signature of strange Matter Stars

          John J. Broderick et al., The Astrophysical Journal, 492:L71-L74,1998 Jan 1

[16]   Low-Mass Normal-Matter Atmospheres of Strange Stars and their Radiation

          Usov, Vladimir V. ADS, bibcode:1997ApJ...481L.107U

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          Neutron Stars

          Schaab, Christoph et al. ADS, bibcode:1997ApJ...480L.111S

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         N.K. Glendenning et al., The Astrophysical Journal, 450:253-261,1995 Sep 1

[19]   Strange Stars

          Charles Alcock et al., The Astrophysical Journal, 310:261-272, 1986 Nov 1

[20]   An Introduction to Modern Stellar Astrophysics

          Ostlie & Carrol, ISBN 0-201-59880-9

[21]   A Thermal Featureless Spectrum: Evidence for Bare Strange Stars?

          Xu, R.X., ADS, bibcode: 2002ApJ...570L..65X