Comet Linear 2000 WM1 on November 18, 2001

This image of comet 2000WM1 was obtained on November 18 (UTC), 2001 from Harrowsmith, Ontario with Cookbook 245 CCD camera on Celestron Ultima 8 f3.0 SCT. Only IR blocking filter was used. CBWinCam software was used for image acquisition and AIP4WIN for image processing.

Twenty images (120 sec. each) were taken between 03:47 UTC and 04:28 UTC. After calibration, images were median-combined. Then image was separately: a) rank-processed, b) Gaussian histogram-shaped and those two resulting images were averaged.

By that time comet Linear 2000WM1 (located SE of Algol) already left Milky Way background and picked up some speed. Rank processing started to reveal some detail around nucleus and histogram shaping showed faint tail pointing toward SSE as well as another one directed to NWW.

North is up.

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© Jan Wisniewski