Pipe Nebula (B51, B78 and LDN1773) in Ophiuchus

This huge (about 4 x 7°) dark nebula in Southern Ophiuchus is visible to the unaided eye under very dark skies and is really impressive in binoculars. Look for it about halfway between Antares (a Scorpi) and Sagittarius. It forms a crescent South and East of q Ophiuchi (see finder chart below).

The above image was taken on May 13, 1996 from Texas Star Party near Fort Davis, TX. Piggybacked SLR camera with 135mm f2.8 telephoto lens was used for this 12 min. exposure on Ektachrome P1600 slide film.

North is up.

Map created in Guide 7.0 - 10° x 12°. North is up.

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