Alp Gem. Same star, filmed with a better seeing and at 140 FPS (200 frames, exp 8 ms). The PSF of both components is here clearly visible (though continuously moving and deformed).

Alp Gem (STF1110AB, Castor, m1=1.9, m2=2, sep=4.6’’). Excerpt of an acquired video (40 frames, 5 FPS, exp 1ms), showing the typical speckle pattern

For information, the image obtained by selecting, recentering and adding the best 30 images of the previous sequence with the Reduc software.

STF 228 (m1=6.5, m2=7.2, sep=0.75’’). Excerpt of an acquired video (40 frames, 40 FPS, exp 10 ms). Due to bad seeing, the two components can hardly been seen within the speckle pattern.

For information, the image obtained by selecting, recentering and adding the best 15 images of the previous sequence with the Reduc software.

... and the auto-correlogram, as computed by Reduc, from the 1500 images of the sequence. Measurements (separation and position angle) will be carried out on this image.