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Awards and commendations

You will find below awards and commendations won by LUXORION website since putting online in 2000.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les récompenses et les recommendations gagnées par le site LUXORION mis en ligne en 2000.

Congratulations! All web sites are voted on Feb 7, 2004 on by the I.A.W.M.D. members. LUXORION  has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2003-2004 Golden Web Award.


The Editors of The International Library of Photography were thrilled to inform you that your photograph [sunset at La Panne] was bestowed the prestigious Editor's Choice Award 2006 because of your artistic accomplishments and unique perspective characteristics found in the most noteworthy photographic works.


I am pleased to inform you that your website has been selected as SETISuperstar website of the month (july 2007) by the Executive and Awards committees of the SETILeague, Inc. This award has been created by the SETILeague, Inc specifically to honor those websites and their creators which display a high level of pedogogical creativity in making the science of SETI accessible to all.

Worldwide Topsitesaim is to bring you the best links in a variety of subjects. LUXORION  is ranked on Worldwide Top Site 100 since September 9, 2001

A New Web Site Paving the Way for Exploration : LUXORION  has been awarded on May 7, 2002 in category Astronomy & Space Science.

Pierre-Alain Uldry, F4MWM, concepteur du site éducatif "Allo l'espace" ainsi que son équipe ont sélectionné le site Internet LUXORION, comme site du mois d’octobre 2003 !

J'ai été extrêmement impressionné par votre site LUXORION. Je vous place comme Site du Mois de juin 2001. Bravo, votre site est une référence !!! Je vous inscrits dans les sous-sections : portails et site généraux et je mettrai quelques liens supplémentaire dans d'autres sections.
Edouard, Galacticsurf.

J'aimerais vous décerner l'Award de la qualité ce 11 août 2001 pour récompenser tant sur la plan graphique que rédactionnel la pertinence de votre site LUXORION, partenaire de Futura-Sciences.

Top Site of the Day : LUXORION. This enthusiastic and ambitious site aims to explain astronomy and its related fields. [...] The English material includes some interesting articles about amateur radio astronomy, a field which amateur astronomers may not have thought of investigating.[...], 25 November 2001.

AWARD SITES! would like to welcome LUXORION  to its Key Resources section.  It is listed since April 18, 2001 in the category Education. Wishing you continued success with your site and appreciation from those who use it.

Bravo, votre site web LUXORIONvient de faire son entrée dans le TOP 50 ce 2 juin 2001. Il figure dans la catégorie Science ainsi que dans la catégorie des 50 nouveaux sites sélectionnés par Mgprod.

Votre site LUXORION vient d'être ajouté sur Astrosites le 12 juin 2001 aux rubriques:

1. Découvrir, comprendre, apprendre

3.3 Photographie, Imagerie

Félicitations pour le contenu impressionnant de votre site.

LUXORION has been chosen to bear the 2001-2002 Golden Web Award from the Association of Web Masters & Designers, I.A.W.M.D, in March 2001. Congratulations!

Your website has won the DynoWomyn Award of Excellence. Your site, LUXORION  has a wonderful professional feel to it. Navigation, download time, use of space, and your design are all very well done. Your service is a very valuable resource for the cyber community. Your site earned a score of: 9 out of 10 on the award criteria.

June Kaminski, May 7, 2001 
DynoWomyn Web Haven & Visions Gallery.

Recently we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to your web site LUXORION ! It is with great pride that we announce that your web site is a WINNER of our esteemed Majon Web Select "Seal of Excellence Award". The Web Select team, April 24, 2001.

LUXORION coming just to live was qualified in January 2001 to be listed in the official supplement of the Luxemburger Yellow Pages titled Annuaire Internet du Luxembourg, Private homepages.

LUXORION definitely qualified for the Critical Mass Award in March 2001 : "A very nice site, excellent design, clever original graphics & artwork, great photos, and your content is presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web. Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, useful and attractive place to visit. Bill Darling.

Phonex Communications, Inc reviewed LUXORION  on April 13, 2001 : "I recently visited your website and found it to be very interesting and visually appealing. Our website award is attached. Thank you".

Mike O'Guinn, Phonex Communications, Inc

LUXORION was selected by the French magazine l'Officiel du Net in December 2000.

Now the big list ! The following people, enterprises, media, institutions, colleges, universities, editors, webmasters and amateurs have also highlighted LUXORION among their favorite links or have used my material (see also the Author's publications page), a way for their authors to honor my works. As this list extends each day, it is not exhaustive :

Enterprises : Astro-Physics, Astronomy-mall, HobbySpace, Northern Lights Software Associates, Optical Systems, TAL.

Media : Arte-TV, France Culture, La Recherche, Science et Avenir.

Universities and Public Institutions : AMMA International, Chenelière McGraw-Hill,College Ahuntsic, CNRS/Espace jeunes, CNRS/Sagascience, ETS/Service des Enseignements Généraux, European Southern Observatory (ESO), Ecole des Mines de Paris (IN2P3), L'Infothèque francophone (AUF), La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, MIAC/CCMI, Muséum de Lyon, NASA, Observatoire de Paris, Région Wallonne, Sonoma State University, Universidad de los Andes, Universita di Napoli, Université de Bretagne Sud, Université de Toulouse Le Mirail, SETI@Home at Berkeley, Andrew T.Young (San Diego State University).

Amateur Associations (World) : CAST Ossevatorio, Central Coast Astronomical Society, Climate Audit, Coelum Astronomica, Daily Painters, ISS Fan club, Lyon College/MarsbugsMarsiansoil, MENSA UK GIS Cosmology, MENSA Spacesig, Neuro Ingegneria, Omega Group, Sky & Telescope, Snopes, Unione Astofili Italiani, VVS, Wikipedia (us, fr).

Amateur Associations (in French) : AAL/Les Amateurs Astronomes du Luxembourg, Académie de Grenoble, Aéroclub de Valenciennes Hainaut, AlpMet, Association Polaris, Betelgeuse, CVVM, Ciel et Espace/AFA, Club d'Astronomie Maskoutain, Cybersciences, Docs pour Docs, Ecole d'ingénieurs du CESI, Ecole d'Orny,, Ésotérisme expérimental, FFAAB, L'envol, Le café pédagogique, Lintern@ute Magazine, Lycée Wouillez, Observatoire Astronomique de St Jean-le-Blanc, Orbifly, Lorand (USEP de Loir-et-Cher), Observatoire Citoyen, Onversity, Orbifly, Physique2005,, Pomme Verte, SAG/Société Astronomique de Genève, SAF/Commission Cosmologie, SAVAR,, SpectroSciences, TECFA, Tele-Tandem (OFAJ), ThePoussin.

Personal Websites (World) : Matt BenDaniel, Jim Berg, BillsAstronomyKevin Broome, Cyber Space, Der Karlsruher Wolkenatlas, François du Toit, Ioannis Galidakis, Gary's Amateur Astronomy, John Gosling (Mars Times), Marco Meniero, Bilvavi Mishkan, Ricky Seabra, Paul Schlyters hemsida, Kitt Søndergaard, Trepy's space, Mike Weasner, Yoshi's Nexstar site.

Personal Websites (in French) : Action Dignité Humaine, Admiroutes, Christophe Alain, Albireo-Beta-Cygni, Amstroleo, Astrofiles, Astronomes, Astronomie Gresivaudan, Automates Intelligents, Rene Balderacchi, Patrick Belaire, Laurent Brière, Marina Casselyn, CDAN de Dominique Beauchamp, Chasseur d'aurores boréales, Chez Luc, Ciel des hommes, CosmoPhys, CVConseils, Nicolas Delalondre, Danny Dulieu, Marco de Chaligny, Nicolas Dupont-Bloch, Encyclopaedia Gentium Bonni (, Fabien's WWW, Flandréclairs, Forestis, IDC, Imago Mundi, L'épopée atlante, Les pages de l'Oncle Dom, J.-M.Laugier, Les OVNIS, Les savanturiers,, Gregory Mermoud, Nico pilot, Objectif OVNIS, Planetastronomy, Planète Astronomie, Franck Plunian (LEGI), Onversity, Poussière stellaire, Poussières d'Etoiles, Robin Matte, Un Os dans le Cosmos, Rencontres Interclubs de Bretagne (P.Printant), Scolasite, Skylink, Terresacrée, Mel Vadeker.

Amateur Radio : AC6V, AMSAT, ARRL (TIS), Belespace, CE3AA, Michael Chocholak, DE0BRF, DXZone,, EA1DDO, EA2AB, F1ULT, F4CZV, F6AIU, G4ILO's Shack, GI4GTY, Stephen Gard, JA6QXW, Jack's comments about grounding, School Club Station KB9UMB, N0SSC, N4SER, RAAG (Greece), RL (Luxembourg), UIRAF Luxembourg, (RV3DHC), UBA (Belgium), VA3CR.NET - Yaesu FT1000MP Page, VE2UAL, VE3SUN, VK3CKC, VK6AAL, W4HM, WD4AFY, YL3BU.

Collaboration et citations dans des documents en français : "L'Astronomie", Ian Ridpad, Bordas-Elsevier, 1984; "La photo du ciel", Patrick Lécureuil, Pearson, 2010; "L'Astronomie pour les nuls", Pascal Borde et Stephen Maran, First-Gründ, 2011; "La lumière, la matière et l'univers expliqués simplement!", Sylvain Lamblot,, 2013; "Ce que je dirais à mes fils...", Patrice Cayla,, 2013; "La réalité augmentée", Jean-Michel Réveillac, Lavoisier, 2013 ainsi que dans les rapports (écrits ou numériques), syllabi et thèses de nombreux étudiants.

Directories : to fasten your requests on the Internet LUXORION  is also listed in more than 22000 entries, among which I selected a short list of websites. First, many open directories and search engines like Google, DMOZ, Yahoo, Lycos, About-Arts, Acoon, AltaVista, Anse, AOL Search, Annuaire Mageos, Astronari, AUF Infothèque, B2B YellowPages, BonBudget, Britannica encyclopaedia Ask Jeeves, C-Est-Tout.Com, Code Teacher, Cuted-Doggy, Débats, DidactiqueDigg France, DXZone, Eggs Report, Exalead, Excite, Focus, Geometry, Gourt, Green, Guide du Web, HotBot, Ilectric, Jim World, Killou, Langenachtderbuecher, Latenight, Libdex Open Directory, Lux Plaza, MGPROD, MyAnnuaire, Mylinea, NaviMag, Net Guide, Netmation, NetMenu, Netscape Search, Noos, Reacteur, Science & Research, Scolasite, Stunning Cyber Inc, TechniFree, Totally Snappers, Tuto, UKsprite, Vindex, WebOrama, Winnipeg Alive!, World Famous Comics.

Idem in amateur radio and electronics-related directories, LUXORION is listed on QRZ,, Buckmaster-Hamcall, DXZone, Annu-Link, Electronics Info Line, EtaCarina, FoxCherche, FURL, GS35B,,, Ham Radio BR, iNods, Ozskywatch, Radioamateuronline, Repeater World HQ, Smeird, UK Finder123.

Newgroups and Forums : in addition, tens of newsgroups and forums, mainly English and French, have automatically siphoned my thousand posts, images or links (at a few exceptions, most are .com, .net or .fr) : Google groups, Google Earth Community, Yahoo groups, AB4EL, Allaudios, Aliraqi, Amsat, Astronomy-chat, Camera-news, Civis Ascendant, Carma, Cellphonetalk, ChavScum, Cheap Ass gamer, Contesting, Crazy But Able, Digital Spy, FilmBug, Forum Garden, HDTV, Ibiblio, Lupa, LVEI, Macuarium, Majorityreportradio, My Snyp, News Backup, Softpedia, Spacebanter, Tech-Archive, Xbox Mag, WoYaa, Atoute, Ado Jeun Z, Boinc, Discuz,, Macrumors, Marokko, Metafinder, Météo Belgique, Movil, PC Astuces, Présence PC, Raph, Rastaba, Rendez-vous, Snow-fr, Student Doctor, Telecom Traffic Online (Erlang), Tpif, U-blog, Un mot par jour, VirtuAiles, Webastro, ZetaTalk, and many others.

At last, tens of students and readers have trusted in my expertise as well as DX clusters, reflectors, blogs, RSS, and online loggers that have recorded my comments or ham radio contacts.

Thanks to all of you.

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