A Universe much smaller than the "big bang"

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Section 1) Documentation on gravitational mirrors
Section 2) How does a gravitational mirror works?
A) Gravitational mirror theory
B) Analogy with glass mirror
Section 3) The spherical mirror
A) Between two mirrors it's magic
B) Inside a Spherical Mirror
C) Conclusion
Section 4) Photons trajectories calculations
A) Introduction
B) Calculations
Section 5) Experimental proof
A) Documentation on "Caustic" images
B) Experiment with a 4 inches sphere
Section 6) References

Spherical mirror
A) Between two mirrors it's magic

In the preceding sections we studied the theory behind Gravitational Mirror. We explained why we could use the glass mirror to predict its behaviours. Now we want to elaborate on our mathematical model of the Universe. When we observe the deep sky we soon realize that there are billions of billions of galaxies. What ever model we chose to represent the Universe, the model should account for this infinite quantity of galaxies. Have you ever been at a Fair in a mirror maze? Probably you saw what happens when you are between two mirrors. We can see our image repeat itself infinitely. This is what we illustrate it in the following diagram:

Magie des deux miroirs

OK we are on the right path, already we have a model that produce an infinite nombre of virtual images. The model is yet far from representing what we see in the sky. Now we will take a new approach, we are going to analyse spherical mirrors.A spherical concave mirror is made up of tiny flat surfaces. "clic"(see this independent reference) Now what happens if we place a small object in the centre of the sphere ? When the object becomes so small in relation to the sphere diameter, at the limit we can consider the spherical mirror as a multitude of two flat mirrors systems as shown below.

B) Inside a Spherical Mirror

il serait gros comme la pointe d'un aiguille

Everything is relative in size

Why can we say that the mirrors #1 and #2 are flat ?
First the proportion in the diagram are way off. If we were to show in the right proportion a galaxy say at a billion light years away in this spherical mirror, the flat mirrors #1 and #2 needed to reflect the image of the galaxy would only be .0005 mm in size, the size of a needle point. This correspond to an arc vision of 30 seconds. To experimentally reproduce the system, on would need a spherical mirror of 20 km for a man measuring 1.5 m in its centre.
To illustrate what we just said : Let us say that we are inside a huge spherical mirror such as if we approach the surface it would seem flat. We have the example of a lake surface that seems flat even though it follows the earth curvature. We can look upon the lake as if it was a flat mirror. Let us back up to the centre of such a mirror. We would see our image repeat itself all over because the portion of the sphere surface needed to reflect our image is in proportion so small that it would appear to be flat. When we take a global look at the system, as represented in the above illustrations, we find ourselves in between a multitude of two mirrors system. That is why our image repeat itself to infinity.

Experimental Reproduction of above

See the picture below, notice the small balls that are lined up. In the upper corner of the picture, we identified by an arrow the first ball. This ball belongs to a matrix of several rows and columns as you can see on the picture. These are images formed as predicted above. They show that the local surface on the sphere can be considered as flat when the reflected object is relatively small. This is why we obtain the repetitive distribution of the images. In the experiment we used a 4 inches sphere mirror and a laser beam. The picture is an enlargement of a local surface on the sphere by a ratio of 30:1. The images in the foreground with a random distribution, are "caustics" images formation that will be discuss in section 5).

see pattern as predicted 4 inches mirror

In background, the pattern as predicted above. The foreground's objects are caustics that we will explain in section 5)

We are going back to the spherical gravitational mirror

The spherical mirror theory now applies to the previous diagrams with flat surface for an observer seeing in the sky the virtual image of a galaxy. Why does it apply? Because all of the dimensions shown are not in the right proportions, everything on the diagrams occur in only a 30 second of an arc circle. This is less than the thickness of a line on the drawings. Therefore the flat surface shown for the imaginary gravitational mirror can be considered as being part of a sphere. As a reminder, we reproduce the drawing hereafter:

diagramme d'un miroir gravitationnel

In the above diagram all the light rays travel on the thickness of a line. The virtual gravitational mirror is only say 20 to 30 seconds of an arc circle

C) Conclusion

When we take in account the distance in billions of years to the galaxies considered, our galaxies cluster becomes a point in the centre of a sphere. But now for the gravitational mirror to function, it requires that we have enough mass to create a gravitational field that will bring back the escaping light. We can calculate the minimum mass require to bring back a photon leaving our system at the speed of light. See the section "Calculation" where we give further instructions to do the calculations. The results are that very little mass is required, the mass of our sun would be sufficient. Just within our galaxy we have many times the critical mass, therefore yes the gravitational mirror does work. Obviously the distance travelled by the light would be tremendous, this is why we are talking in billions of light years away. Nothing can exist at the level of those galaxies because it would perturb the formation of the gravitational mirror.
We find ourselves in front of a choice:

1) We observe an Universe that we can not really explain
2) Is it logic to say that a Universe filled with billions of billions of galaxies originated from a point a singularity??
3) Or can we say that this infinite nombres of galaxies are not real but an optical illusion? The gravitational mirror theory.

OK, the model is still not fully representative of what we observe.
A) the Universe is not uniformly distributed
B) what about the galaxies nearer us less than the billion light years?
This is what we will discuss in the following section. We will study the formations of "caustics" within a spherical mirror. We have looked at the almost microscopic aspect of the mirror (which forms virtual images behind the mirror surface) and now we will look at the macroscopic behaviours. "à voir"Si Einstein s'est trompé! site français