A Universe much smaller than the "big bang"

Home page
Section 1) Documentation on gravitational mirrors
Section 2) How does a gravitational mirror works?
A) Gravitational mirror theory
B) Analogy with glass mirror
Section 3) The spherical mirror
A) Between two mirrors it's magic
B) Inside a Spherical Mirror
C) Conclusion
Section 4) Photons trajectories calculations
A) Introduction
B) Calculations
Section 5) Experimental proof
A) Documentation on "Caustic" images
B) Experiment with a 4 inches sphere
Section 6) References

Photons trajectories calculations
A) Introduction

Our theory is simple, we apply the local gravitational mirror theory to the entire universe. Think of the light that is escaping from the cluster which contains our galaxy. Questions come to our mind ?
What if the light that is escaping could be pulled back towards us by gravitational forces?
How many galaxies would be required to produce a gravitational field capable of pulling back the escaping light?
Yes the light would travel far before being pulled back. We can calculate the minimum mass require to bring back a photon that leaves our system at the speed of light. The results are given below, and yes the gravitational mirror does work
Here is how we make the calculations :

A) Caculations

Very little mass is required, the mass of our sun would be sufficient. Now just within our galaxy we have many times this critical mass

calcul des trajectoires des photons

As you can see in the calculations above just within our galaxy we have many times this critical mass, therefore yes the gravitational mirror does work. One galaxy would create the gravitational field sufficient to produce the mirror effect. No body can doubt of the existence of our galaxy but what about the others? In the next section we will talk about the caustic created in concave mirrors. Our presentation is a simplified expression of what we believe is happening, an optical illusion. For example, magician use a half sphere mirror to create a real three dimensional image in front of the mirror. It fools everyone the object seems real. That is why we used the terminology "magic" in our presentation "à voir"Si Einstein s'est trompé! page de présentation