USA to 2009 2009/06 2009/11 2015/01/19 2015 2015/01/19 2015 VLe USA
Images of 2009-2010 to 2021-2022 Mutual Events (phemus) in January 2015 by Theo Ramakers (TRa) (Georgia,USA)

January 2015

January 19th, 2015:
[phemu20150119i-3occ2-TRa.gif= January 19th, 2015 ir filter image by Theo Ramakers (TRa) (Georgia,USA)]

January 28th, 2015: Europa eclipses Io
[phemu20150128-2ecl1-TRa.gif= January 28th, 2015 image by Theo Ramakers (TRa) (Georgia,USA)]

January 28th, 2015: Europa eclipses Io
[phemu20150128-2ecl1-TRa.jpg= January 28th, 2015 image by Theo Ramakers (TRa) (Georgia,USA)]

January 28th, 2015: Europa occults Io
[phemu20150128-2occ1-TRa.gif= January 28th, 2015 image by Theo Ramakers (TRa) (Georgia,USA)]

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