Très fort... / We're the champions... by Poisaya


Rho ophiuci, souvenir zambien / Zambian souvenir

Ciel noir, nuit blanche / Deepsky photography for sleepy mornings

... yeux rouges au matin.


Au championnat du massacre de pelloche, la discipline arrive en tête. Et il y en a qui trouvent du plaisir à photographier des objets surtout pas lumineux, forcément petits, pendant des heures sans bouger tout en bougeant (pour compenser la rotation de la terre mais aussi pour décongeler le bougre qui, collé à l'oculaire réticulé, ne sait plus depuis 20 minutes si son étoile-guide est toujours la bonne).

Petit début...

... red eyes in the morning.
You're the best.
If you have too much money, you can invest in a big bag of films and send it to us (see contact page for addresses). For some people this art is the best way for film wasting. Can you imagine that some people have fun and pleasure to take a picture of obviously very faint objects hour after hour in a total and freezing darkness. After 20 minutes the operator can't tell you if the star he is guiding on is the same that the one at the beginning (sorry, no ST4 yet, anybody for a gift can contact us by the same way as above). He only knows he's frozen, tired and that his picture is a new disaster.
First lights...

astro & photographiquement vôtres...
astro & photographically yours...

Voir aussi/see also :

Autres collections / Others galleries

Sébastien Lebouc : ciel austral (La Réunion)
Sebastien Lebouc : southern sky (from La Reunion island)