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Seen on the packaging of a brie (french cheese) bought in Orlando :
1 lb brie + 1 large red onion, diced + 2-3 cloves of garlic + 1/2 cup fresh basil + small amount coarse black pepper + 1/2 cup olive oil + 6 small ripe tomatoes, cut-up + 1 lb pasta : blend all ingredients but tomatoes and brie, let soak for flavor. Freeze brie and cut into small pieces without rind. Cook pasta, save 1 cup hot water. Toss all together. Add water. Serves 4-6.


Want to try a french recipe ? Please try to eat brie for itself. With french bread and, by pity, without onion and never freeze it... ;-)


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© Poisaya (the website, not the recipe © Schratter Foods inc.)