  • Compteur de contenus

    1 418
  • Inscription

  • Dernière visite

  • Last Connexion

    Soon available - 79855

Réputation sur la communauté

383 Très bonne réputation

3 abonnés

À propos de VNA1

  • Rang
    Membre très actif

Informations personnelles

  • Centres d'intérêt
    Astro, science, philosophy, history classical music, cycling, gardening, travel
  • Adresse
    Today, permanently Northern California
  • Instruments
    2 SCT, one 5" and one 10", 6" refractor achromat, and 4 mounts!

Visiteurs récents du profil

8 977 visualisations du profil

A propos de moi

Yes my tenure has been tumultuous--was going through very rough times.

On the other hand many here behave so typically   French!

Be patient with me as I have macular degeneration--not fun but it could be much worse.

Averted vision is my friend.

And but not least my French is very rusty, besides I am quirky!

Don't have a mean bone in my body--broke too many

Mean people suck ;-)