Camera CCD


Audine is a CCD camera specially designed for astronomic observations. The design has been performed by a team within the AUDE Association (Association des Utilisateurs de Détecteurs Electroniques) considering the needs of the amateur astronomers wishing to have a high performance but low cost and powerful tool for their observations. The solution to achieve these objectives is to propose the camera as a kit to be integrated by the amateurs themselves.
            For more infos, see The INDISPENSABLE web page of AUDINE PROJECT

            As we are (happy!) owners of an Audine Camera, here are some pages about personal realisations for Audine:


An internal shutter for Audine

A motorized focusing carriage

Filling Audine with a dry gas in order to avoid freezing

An electromechanical shutter for Audine 

Some images taken with Audine

             Observing Supernovae with Audine

                     French Version - Version Française

AUDINE on WRML: just move round a 3D model of the camera (mechanical parts only) - needs a WRML compatible browser;

Modèle caméra assemblée (168Ko) (assembled view)

Modèle caméra éclatée (166Ko) (splited view)

Vues séparées: Face Avant (58Ko), Radiateur (86Ko), Drain (24Ko), Corps (2Ko)

Comme le suggère cette affiche, n'oubliez pas de refroidir durant les poses, et accompagnez de Pisco...


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