Field 15004p3341 for SN 2005bc


Photometry Field
RA (hms) 15h00m24.0
DC (dms) +33°41'00
RA Width (arcmin) 26.7
DC Height (arcmin) 18.1
Magnitude R 12.87/16.484
V - R +0.31/+0.89

More Information

Chart with Reference Star
CCD Scale 1.0 arcsec/pixel, FOV = 26.7 * 18.1 arcmin
Frame for KAF-400 - FL 1856 mm - Image Scale 0.5
RA Grid Step is 0.25 hourminute

#Object_Name       -- RA ----  -- DC -- Mag_B_ Mag_V_ Mag_R_ Mag_I_  V-R  Dist(°) C 
SN2005bc           14 37 15.1 +38 27 23
G2565-10           15 00 14.5 +33 38 53 17.698 16.685 16.079 15.474 +0.61   0.012 1 
G2565-12           15 00 15.8 +33 39 50 17.609 16.865 16.469 16.072 +0.40   0.016 1 
G2565-6            15 00 12.1 +33 39 00 16.591 15.463 14.686 14.112 +0.78   0.020 1 
G2565-15           15 00 20.4 +33 37 00 17.530 16.076 15.185 14.336 +0.89   0.034 1 
G2565-17           15 00 24.6 +33 41 36 17.339 16.726 16.384 16.086 +0.34   0.049 1 
G2565-2            15 00 02.8 +33 38 51 13.895 13.238 12.870 12.537 +0.37   0.053 1 
G2565-23           15 00 32.8 +33 39 49 17.524 16.838 16.446 16.005 +0.39   0.053 1 
G2565-28           15 00 36.3 +33 36 10 18.264 17.060 16.315 15.621 +0.75   0.079 1 
G2565-19           15 00 29.2 +33 43 42 17.064 16.356 15.933 15.553 +0.42   0.088 1 
G2565-3            15 00 03.9 +33 43 29 16.834 16.264 15.892 15.554 +0.37   0.089 1 
G2565-33           15 00 44.4 +33 40 01 18.500 17.247 16.484 15.781 +0.76   0.093 1 
G2565-32           15 00 43.0 +33 41 22 15.539 14.919 14.565 14.211 +0.35   0.095 1 
G2565-5            15 00 05.9 +33 44 57 17.526 16.843 16.377 15.938 +0.47   0.108 1 
G2565-35           15 00 48.7 +33 40 21 16.029 15.461 15.100 14.706 +0.36   0.109 1 
G2565-16           15 00 23.5 +33 45 58 17.706 16.716 16.123 15.631 +0.59   0.118 1 
G2565-4            15 00 04.2 +33 45 30 16.606 16.114 15.803 15.457 +0.31   0.118 1 
G2565-40           15 00 53.8 +33 44 54 17.447 16.722 16.167 15.768 +0.56   0.158 1 
From HENDEN File

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SN 2005bc

Last Update 04 avr 2005
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Software SNWeb provided by Jean-Claude PELLE