
Essee pour une 3-D close-UP. AR2192, Octobre 19, 2014.

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Turbulence and some haze on Oct. 19th when I captured this close UP of the famous AR2192. I missed the opportunity for better details, sorry.

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hello ! it's difficult now with the hight of the sun!

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je comprends pas , but je trouve que c'est un poil leger surtraité!

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Well, Baroche, Polo and Stephan,thank you all for comments. I was forced to over process because I shot the frames through pretty nervous turbulence, some haze and long focal length: 4500mm. Just wanted to save as much details. Yes I know I over processed here. Waiting for a better seeing.

Here you have a sample of my shot:


[Ce message a été modifié par uranus7 (Édité le 20-10-2014).]

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