
AS!3 en ligne !

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This is a 64-bit version of AutoStakkert!, and it can pretty much make use of all the memory you have in your system (so it actually makes sense to go for 32GB+ if you can, I find that the 16GB in my current system is often holding me back on processing. Still though, I think I might want to tweak the memory usage of AutoStakkert!3. If you have processing problems and you run out of memory, try disabling buffering (and let me know so I can try to have a look sometime).

Some major changes include:
- removal of edge quality
- addition of laplacian quality estimator (as a variation on gradient quality); typically requires a bit higher noise robust value; 6 is not uncommon
- generally better suited for large recordings with better speed when using usage of many APs (many thousands) and larger images (16MP+)
- added double stack option (automatically stack twice, and use previous stack as new reference frame slightly improving quality)
- added multi-scale alignment point placement (be a bit careful when you use this, but generally speaking it makes sure that for areas where the APs were a bit too small - e..g, for lunar areas without much contrast causing blurry areas in the stack - this is now compensated by using data from the larger APs)
- for each stack a 'session' file is created; this is essentially just a text file containing all settings used to create this particular stack. You can open this session file in AS!3 and recreate the stack - with maybe some minor changes in AP placement- and continue or improve your processing.

.. and lots of stuff in the release notes if you want to have a read...

My suggestion is just to play with it. ( and try to break it, and then wait until after the nice weekend telling me about problems, because the weather is going to be nice and I'd rather be outside than behind a computer )

Emil dixit

[Ce message a été modifié par Nebulium (Édité le 23-03-2017).]

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Me gourge ou AS3 demande 32 giga de RAM, voir à la limite 16?

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Michel, Emil veut dire qu'il l'a testé avec 32 Go de RAM pour traiter le plus vite possible, parce qu'avec 16 il est parfois ralenti.
Mais AS!3 peut marcher avec des tailles de RAM plus habituelles comme 4 Go, c'est simplement plus long !

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je viens d'installer et tester rapidement AS!3 , pas de soucis particulier,
même disposition des commandes, il y a sans doutes options que je n'ai pas coché/utilisé, la petite nouveauté est que le soft génère un long fichier texte avec tous les paramètres d'alignement (utile ou pas ? ) mais le résultat reste fidèle à la création d'Emil Kraaikamp

le fichier texte :

AutoStakkert! Lucky Imaging software - machine- and human-readable session file
System Information
2017-03-24 20:53:24.219
C:\Users\Daniel\Downloads\AutoStakkert_3.0.11_x64\AutoStakkert.exe (3.0.11)
Windows 7 SP1
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz - cores 8/16 @ 2993 Mhz
Memory free 12354,3 total 16316,8 MB
Current file: F:\jupiter_16_03_17\013727_17032017.avi
Stack quality 0,00000000
Median quality 6,15 ( quantiles 5,48, 6,15, 6,75 )
Frame count 1071

file F:\jupiter_16_03_17\013727_17032017.avi

_file_id 0
_frames_count 1071
_as_version 3.0.11
_menu_memory_usage_buffering True
_menu_color Auto
_menu_advanced_variable_transparency_recovery False
_menu_advanced_detect_abrupt_artifacts True
_menu_advanced_brute_force False
_menu_advanced_ultra_smooth False
_menu_advanced_discard_worst True
_menu_advanced_discard_worst_ratio_to_keep 0,99000
_experimental_rotation_observer_latitude 0,00000
_experimental_rotation_object_altitude 0,00000
_experimental_rotation_object_azimuth 0,00000
_experimental_rotation_recording_duration 0,00000
_experimental_rotation_first_frame 0,00000
_experimental_rotation_last_frame 0,00000
_experimental_rotation_enabled False
_experimental_pre_processing_vertical_blur_enabled False
_experimental_pre_processing_vertical_blur 15,00000
_experimental_pre_processing_horizontal_blur_enabled False
_experimental_pre_processing_horizontal_blur 15,00000
_experimental_pre_processing_brightness_modifier 10,00000
_experimental_pre_processing_only_horizontal False
_experimental_sigma_clipping 0
_experimental_row_column_calibration_fixed_background_value 10,00000
_experimental_row_column_calibration_offset_percentile_sampling 6,00000
_menu_image_calibration_column_noise False
_menu_image_calibration_row_noise False
_menu_image_calibration_new_background False
_expand_min 0
_expand_max 9999999
_expand_num_frames 20
_expand_between 5
_expand_active 0
_limit_min 0
_limit_max 9999999
_limit_active False
_stabilization_type Planet
_stabilization_surface_improved_tracking False
_stabilization_surface_expand True
_stabilization_planet_dynamic True
_stabilization_planet_threshold 5
_quality_type Gradient
_quality_gradient_noise_robust 4
_quality_gradient_laplace True
_quality_gradient_local True
_reference_last_stack False
_reference_auto_size True
_reference_num_frames 412
_status_num_cores 4
_stack_type tif
_stack_force_rgb False
_stack_tif_options Uncompressed
_stack_frames_percentage_1 25
_stack_frames_percentage_2 0
_stack_frames_percentage_3 0
_stack_frames_percentage_4 0
_stack_frames_num_1 0
_stack_frames_num_2 0
_stack_frames_num_3 0
_stack_frames_num_4 0
_stack_normalize_stack False
_stack_normalize_stack_independant_rgb False
_stack_normalize_stack_percentage 75
_stack_sharpened True
_stack_sharpened_raw_blend 15
_stack_rgb_align False
_stack_save_in_folders True
_stack_send_to_photoviewer False
_stack_send_to_photoshop False
_stack_send_to_registax False
_stack_filename_single_format AS_[sc] [ff] [bn] [qe] [ac] [ri] [rs] [ei]
_stack_filename_folder AS_[sc]
_stack_filename_folder_format [ff] [bn] [qe] [ac] [ri] [rs] [ei]
_stack_filename_sc_f F
_stack_filename_sc_p P
_stack_filename_qe_gradient grad
_stack_filename_qe_laplace lapl
_stack_filename_ac ap
_stack_filename_ri_drizzle15 Drizzle15
_stack_filename_ri_drizzle30 Drizzle30
_stack_filename_ri_resample20 Resample20
_stack_filename_rs_conv conv
_stack_filename_ei_expand expand
_stack_filename_li_limit limit
_stack_filename_delimiter _
_stack_filename_delimiter_only_non_empty True
_stack_filename_lg_local local
_stack_filename_lg_global global
_advanced_drizzle_resample Drizzle 1.5x
_frameview_size_width 100
_frameview_size_height 100
_frameview_size_remember False
_frameview_size_offset_x 0
_frameview_size_offset_y 0
_frameview_anchor_offset_x 0
_frameview_anchor_offset_y 0
_frameview_anchor_size_divider 8
_frameview_visualisation_details True
_frameview_visualisation_draw_aps True
_frameview_scaling_auto True
_frameview_scaling_range 0
_frameview_zoom 10
_frameview_ap_size 72
_frameview_ap_min_bright 30
_frameview_ap_close_to_edge False
_frameview_ap_replace True
_frameview_ap_double_ap_grid False

Alignment Points
ap 72 405 341
ap 72 365 349
ap 72 443 355
ap 72 392 379
ap 72 338 380
ap 72 461 391
ap 72 423 405
ap 72 365 410
ap 72 454 431
ap 72 396 436

Planet Stabilization
f 277,28 411,71
f 276,70 413,31
f 278,41 413,81
f 279,76 416,00
f 279,21 417,19
f 277,52 416,08

les images finales ,( T200/1000 + barlow x3+ asi 120mm )

en drizzle x1.5

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Merci nebulium!

Je viens de le télécharger, pas vu de différence de temps de traitement avec
AS 2.

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