
C'est la fin du Stellarcat... et le début du Wildcard GOTO controller.

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Gary Myers (StellarCAT) part à la retraite et c'est donc la fin du ServoCAT qui équipe la plupart des télescopes GOTO partout dans le monde.

Gary Kopff (Wildcart Innovations) fabriquant de l'Argo Navis va prendre la relève et proposer le Wildcard GOTO controller. 

Ayant rencontré Gary K. à Sydney en 2007 lors d'une Starparty, l'Argo Navis rencontrait déjà un grand succès qui est toujours d'actualité.

Il est certain que ce nouveau système sera très attendu par de nombreux astronomes.


" Wildcard Innovations will be introducing a new advanced servo motor GOTO controller.

A release date is yet to be announced.

Recently Gary Myers at StellarCAT has announced that he will be retiring and that StellarCAT will soon cease production of the ServoCAT GOTO controller.

We wish Gary Myers all the best in his retirement.

Wildcard has had a close working relationship with StellarCAT over many, many years.
We co-developed the "ServoCAT" communications protocol and closely collaborated on the development of advanced features such as SmartTrack.
This feature allows Argo Navis and ServoCAT to track solar system objects, including man-made satellites, in real-time.

In discussions with Gary Myers, we have been aware of his pending retirement for some time and the plan had been for Widcard to make a new GOTO controller available seamlessly once the ServoCAT ended production.
However, the ongoing global semiconductor supply crises has resulted in a delay in those plans.

The Wildcard GOTO controller incorporates state-of-the-art electronics and advanced features.
It is compatible with existing servo motor installations.

Manufacturing of all our products is at a state-of-the-art facility in Sydney, Australia.

We hope this announcement will alleviate some concern as to the availability of servo motor GOTO controllers for telescope owners.

We will make further announcements in due course.

Best Regards

Gary Kopff
Managing Director
Wildcard Innovations Pty. Ltd. "

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Yes cool que quelqu’un ait repris l’affaire car les alternatives se faisaient attendre côté développement 👍😊! 

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Oui c'est une très très bonne nouvelle!

Modifié par AlSvartr
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