The Witch Head IC2118

Field centered on R.A. 05h 10' & Dec. -06° 40'


Faint and elusive like its name, this pale nebulosity, situated at Orion feet, glows primarily by light reflected from Rigel, just out this field. The blue color is caused not only by Rigel's blue color but because the dust grains reflect blue light more efficiently than red. Really faint but charming, IC2118 is widely known as the Witch Head Nebula because of its appearance. To get such a good s/n this image is the result of a stack of one image of 40 minutes on Fuji Provia 400F taken from Cima Larici (Italy) and three images taken from La Palma in Canary Island (1x90m on Kodak Supra 400 and 2x90 minutes on Fuji Provia 400F).


Apo WO 100/f8 + TeleCompressor AP@ 6.3 + Vixen Atlux + STV see text see text

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