Field 11184p4758 for SN 2005ay


Photometry Field
RA (hms) 11h18m24.0
DC (dms) +47°58'00
RA Width (arcmin) 12.8
DC Height (arcmin) 8.5
Magnitude R 10.66/16.0
V - R +0.30/+0.96

More Information

Chart with Reference Star
Scale 1.0 arcsec/pixel, FOV = 25.6 * 17.0 arcmin
Image Scale = 0.5
RA Grid Step is 0.25 hourminute

#Object_Name       -- RA ----  -- DC -- Mag_B_ Mag_V_ Mag_R_ Mag_I_  V-R  Dist(°) C 
SN2005ay           11 52 48.1 +44 06 18
KV_UMa-0           11 18 14.5 +47 58 08 15.910 14.950 14.390 13.940 +0.56   0.027 2 
KV_UMa-1           11 18 06.1 +47 57 20 16.990 16.070 15.540 15.090 +0.53   0.051 2 
KV_UMa-2           11 18 05.4 +47 56 32 16.090 15.350 14.920 14.540 +0.43   0.057 2 
KV_UMa-3           11 18 42.7 +48 00 32 15.940 15.220 14.820 14.470 +0.40   0.067 2 
KV_UMa-4           11 18 00.5 +47 57 04 14.620 13.840 13.410 13.050 +0.43   0.067 2 
KV_UMa-5           11 18 47.6 +47 55 32 17.370 16.200 15.490 14.890 +0.71   0.078 2 
KV_UMa-6           11 18 46.4 +47 54 45 12.900 12.220 11.850 11.490 +0.37   0.083 2 
KV_UMa-7           11 18 56.3 +47 55 54 14.540 13.650 13.150 12.740 +0.50   0.097 2 
KV_UMa-8           11 17 54.3 +47 54 45 17.490 16.550 16.000 15.520 +0.55   0.099 2 
KV_UMa-9           11 18 59.5 +47 57 03 13.450 12.770 12.370 11.960 +0.40   0.100 2 
KV_UMa-10          11 18 40.8 +48 03 26 11.470 10.960 10.660 10.380 +0.30   0.102 2 
KV_UMa-11          11 17 49.1 +47 56 01 14.970 14.300 13.920 13.580 +0.38   0.103 2 
KV_UMa-12          11 18 54.8 +47 54 33 15.280 14.720 14.390 14.050 +0.33   0.103 2 
KV_UMa-13          11 18 07.1 +48 03 53  0.000 16.460 15.500 14.540 +0.96   0.109 2 
KV_UMa-14          11 18 25.7 +48 04 42 16.030 15.490 15.150 14.830 +0.34   0.112 2 
KV_UMa-15          11 17 45.4 +47 55 53 15.950 15.220 14.800 14.440 +0.42   0.113 2 
KV_UMa-16          11 17 44.6 +48 05 46 14.070 13.030 12.420 11.940 +0.61   0.170 2 
UMa_KV             11 18 10.9 +48 02 13 12.800 18.800 12.800 12.800 +0.36   0.079 6 
From LONEOS File

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SN 2005ay

Last Update 28 mars 2005
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Software SNWeb provided by Jean-Claude PELLE