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JEphem API documentation

JEphem provides an API to perform astronomical computation.


jephem Contains classes used for the startup of the application.
jephem.astro General classes to conduct ephemeris calculation. Classes to represent extra solar system objects.
jephem.astro.solarsystem Contains classes to perform computations on objects of the solar system.
jephem.astro.solarsystem.vsop87 Classes and data to compute planetary positions using VSOP87 theory.
jephem.astro.spacetime Classes related with spatial and temporal reference frames.
jephem.gui Classes handling the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Classes using jephem.astro API to give higher-level services ; these classes are not inside jephem.astro package because they depend on data saved in property files.
jephem.util Contains utilities specific to JEphem (general utilities are in package tig).


JEphem provides an API to perform astronomical computation. See JEphem site for more details.
Released under the terms of General public licence, available at

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