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Radio amateur activities

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Finding the information you are looking for on the web is not always an easy task. Beside search engines, forums and radioclubs that can answer to your questions, to get some awards for example you need to know what DXCC entities, IOTA, Antarctic bases or lighthouses are requested. Another day you need to known on what frequencies work QRP stations, you are looking for a beacon, an antenna manufacturer, a DSP software or a logger. But where to find this information or such lists ?

In pray of the same difficulties, I decided to search for this information and to compile these data in several Excel worksheets that you will find below, near other useful links.

1. General information

- International institutions : ITU, IARU, CEPT, ERO, CITEL (Americas), ATU (Africa), European Union

- National telecommunication regulators : FCC (USA), WIA (VK), ANFR, ARCEP (F), IBPT (ON), ILR (LX), see also Wikipé

- ITU regulation : ITU-R official regulation and codes (2004), see Phonetic and Q codes in appendices 14 and 15 (PDF, 7 MB)

Amateur radio associations

- IARU : includes contacts of each national radio amateur society

Files to download (in PDF or XLS)

- Worldwide Spectrum Allocations, poster provided by Tektronix in PDF format, 2015

- Radio spectrum bandplan, frequency allocation from 3 kHz to 30 GHz, U.S. Department of Commerce, 2011

- The Electromagnetic spectrum, from 31.2 mHz to 6.52 EHz, PDF poster designed by Anthony Tekatch, Unihedron, 2004

- US Band Plan (jpg file and PDF file), US band plan from 1.8 MHz to 1300 MHz, ARRL, 2017

- IARU Region 1 BHF and Plan (PDF), IARU Region 1 VHF & up banplans, IARU, 2020

- HFbands (xls file), Region 1 Europe band plan of HF frequencies from 136 kHz to 30 MHz (graphical & tabular forms), 2004

- Band Plan, detailled frequencies allocation from 1 kHz to 250 GHz, 2004

- QRP frequencies, list HF frequencies used for QRP activities

- Beacons, list more than 1000 International HF beacons from 1.8 to 50 MHz

- CQzones, list all 40 zones (see CQ Magazine) and concerned entities (DXCC)

- DXNet, the main DX and local networks working in HF bands with time and frequencies

- DXCC, list all 339 DXCC (see ARRL) entities with their prefix(es), QSL bureau, ITU zone, CQ zone, Time Zone and Entity code

- ITUzones, list all 90 zones defined by ITU

- MostWantedDX, the "most wanted" countries, are also listed yearly in The DX Magazine.

- Reflectors, list many radio amateurs and astronomy mail servers (list servers)

- Amateur Radioastronomy by F5VLB (aussi en français)

- Famous hams, list call signs of some celebrities (kings, actors, scientists, etc)

- Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur (PDF in several languages), IARU

2. Ham Links

- General information (where to go 1st) : AC6V, QRZ,, (F)

- News : QRZ now, DX Zone, ARRL, RSGB, IARU, ITU

- Education : ARRL, W5YI, Electronics Tutorials, Wikipedia, F6CRP (F), RSGB Catalog,

- Forums and newgroups :,, hfradio forums, W5KUB (

- Reflectors (maillists) : Mailing lists (e.g. DX4WIN, ICOM, KENWOOD, YAESU, RemoteOperating, Antennas, etc), Reflectors.xls,

- Reviews : without to forget QST, CQ (US) and RadCom (UK) magazines, as well as your national IARU club and its publication(s). See also links and reviews in PDF format at the end of page How to select an HF transceiver ?

- For amateur radios using OS X : Mac Ham Radio

- Magazine (paper) : QST, QST 1916-1941, QEX, CQ Magazine, Radcom (UK, RSGB), CQDL (DL, DARC)

- Magazine (online) : DX Magazine, Ham Radio Online, RadioUser, AntenneX, Dubus (see also "News")

- Webzine (en français) : Radioamateur (VE), (F), ON6NR (B), UBA (B)

- Ads (US/English second hand market) : RDX Zone Radio Classified Ads, Ham Radio Sales UK,, ebay

- Ads (marché d'occasion F/ON) :,, Electronique Radioamateur,, Bourse UBA, ebay

- Amplifiers (tubes): Acom International, Alpha Radio, Ameritron, Commander, Emtron, Henry Radio

QRO Technologies, Ten-Tec, Tokyo Hy Power, Ulvin International, Andrews Communications Systems

- Amplifiers (solid-state) : Alpha Radio, Ameritron, Henry Radio, Icom, Tokyo Hy-Power, Yaesu, Communication Concepts

- Antennas (emission) : Allied Antennas, Alpha Delta, B&W, Banttow, Bencher-Butternut, Buddipole, Cubex, Cushcraft, Degen, Diamond, Force12, GAP, GB Antennes Giovannini Elettromeccanica (, Hex-beam, Hi-Q, Hustler, High Sierra, Hy-Gain, KVK, Light Beam Antenna & Apparatus, llc Mosley, NCG-Comet, OptiBeam, PKW, Sommer, Steppir, Tennadyne, TGM, Titanex, Tonna, ZeroFive-Antennas, Portable HF antennas (Excel sheet)

- Antenna tuners : Alpha Delta, Ameritron, Kenwood, LDG Electronics, MFJ Enterprises, Nye-Viking, PalStarTen-Tec, Tokyo Hy-Power, Vectronics, Yaesu

- Callbooks and QSL Info : HamCall (ex-Buckmaster), HamGallery, Hamradio (ON), Pathfinder, QRZ, QSL

- Call sign (logo) : K7BON (carved in Oak), Maxsell (electrogolden badge), Project GM (LED call sign), Radio covers, HotPress Embroidered ham hats

- QSL managers : see callbooks and clusters, QRZ, IK3QAR QSL Manager lookup425 DX News, NO4J, OPDX

- QSL printshops : The DXZone listing, IT9EJW, IK1PML, QSL Shop, Cheap QSLs

- BCL: Hard-Core DX, DRM, TV RadioWorld, Find out SW Broadcasters per Frequency, Radio Plateau, ComFM

- DX Cluster : DXHeat, DX Summit, WSPRNet, DX Galaxy, DX Central (port:6904), LOTW, eHam, DXMaps, Ham Radio Deluxe (cf. this list of web clusters and FTP clusters), Reverse Beacon Network, AR-Cluster User manual

- Dealers : DX Engineering, MFJ Enterprises, RF Parts, UKW-Berichte, Universal Radio, Vine, WiMo, WSPLC

- Frequencies list : ERO (PDF), Klingenfuss (HF). See also above "General information"

- Radios (online) : Radio garden, Internet radio, Internet Radio UK, Ecouter Radio en Ligne (F)

- Receivers : Bearcat, Icom (classical), Scancat and AOR (scanners), WinRadio, ADS-B (Air Traffic L-band)

- Remote ham radio : RemoteHamRadio, W4MQ (Internet Remote Base), RemoteShack, (see also SDR interfaces)

- SDR receivers : FlexRadio Systems, Funcube, RTL-SDR, SDRPlay, AirSpy HF Plus, DX Patrol, SDR Sharp, HackRF, Roundup of SDR (RTL-SDR), SDR-Radio, WebSDR, KN0CK HF SDR Receiver

- SDR online receivers :, WebSDR, WebSDR VHF (including ISS), DXHeat (clic on individual call signs to listen to their QSO)

- SWR-meters & wattmeters : Alpha Radio, Ameritron, Array Solutions, Autek, Bird, Daiwa/NCG, MFJ EnterprisesTen-Tec, Yaesu

- Towers and poles (USA, VE, VK) : Aluma, Anchor Guard, AN Wireless, Antenna Systems, Champion Radio, ComTrain, Custom Metalworks, Galvatech 2000 (VE), Glen Martin Engineering, Inc., Harger Lightning Protection, Inc., Heights Tower Systems, IIX Equipment Limited, K0XG Rotating Tower, Nally radio towers (VK), PCE Int., Pirod (Valmont), Rohn Industries, Inc., The Mast Company, TIC ringrotor, Trylon, US Tower, XXTowers

- Towers and poles (Europe) : Banttow (PA), CTA (F), De Kerf (Bazel in ON), Hummel Al-Towers (DL), ProSisTel (I), Thomas Global Register Europe, Titanex (DL), Trivalantene (S5), Trylon (ON), Vargarda radio (SM)

- Transceivers : Rigpix (database of al TX and RX), Alinco, Collins, Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood, SGC, Ten-Tec, Yaesu/Vertex

- Videos on YouTube : My PlayList (100+ videos)

- Vidéos en Français sur YouTube : La radioamateur par VE2CWQ, Radio Amateur, Activitées radioamateurs, Activitées en portable

3. Software

- Antenna Modeling : NEC, MultiNEC, MultiProp, and many others (Cebik)

- Calculator : Smith Chart Calculator, Attenuation & Power Handling Calculator (for cabling)

- CAT : Callsign,, WinRADIO, HamSphere, RCP for TS-570D series (see also under "Logger" and "SDR")

- Clocks : Iridium, GeoClock, Time in the world (on this site)

- CW training : NuMorse, UFT, ProfMorse, Koch, Just Learn Morse Code

- DSP and decoding programs : Fldigi, Multipsk, RCKskimmer, Spectrum Laboratory, Easygram, Hamscope, Skysweeper Pro, MMSSTV, ChromaPIX, HF-FAX, Digita Modes Links (see also my short review)

- EME software : F2TU, VK3UM

- Gray line : Fourmilab, QSL.Net, also included in most propagation programs and loggers

- HF Propagation : Review of propagation prediction programs and beacon managers (on this site)

- Logger : AC Log, CommCat, DX4Win, DXKeeper (DX Lab Suite), DX Atlas, EasyLog, Ham Radio Deluxe (licence) and V5.24 (freeware), Log4OM, Logger32, LOGic 9, LoTW, Lux-Log, MacLoggerDX, MicroLog, N1MM Logger, nGenLog, Prolog2k, SwissLog, WinLog32

- Ham world maps : Mapability (free), World Map by UT0EM on Amazon (not free)

- QTH/Grid Locator : QRZ GridMapper, AMSAT QTH Locator, WinLoc, Maidenhead grid square locator map

- Radio Meteor : Colorgramme WMeteor, HROFFT2RMOB

- RF calculator and analyser : Windows RF calculator

- SDR : Airspy (SDR#), HDSDR, SDR-Radio, Linrad, GQRX, CubicSDR, ShinySDR, Sodira, CuSDR, SeeDeR, Spektrum, SDR-J

- SDR (for androids) : SDR Touch, Wavesink Plus, RFAnalyzer

- Satellite Tracking Software : SatScape, Element manager, Nova for Windows, WXSAT, WXTrack, Orbitron

- Signal processing : AVS Audio utilities, Audacity, FFTDSP

- VoIP communication software : EchoLink, IRLP, WIRES-II, I-link, eQSO, HamSphere, Skype.


- Air traffic status : Flightradar

- Air traffic audio : Live ATC

- Weather balloon monitoring : SondeMonitor

4. Awards related

- K1BV Awards directory (with direct link per country), list over 3300 awards

- Belgian-P10, the 10 belgian provinces

- BCA-castels, 132 belgian castels

- Castels of France, over 2650 castels, DFCF and other related awards

- CEA, the 45 countries members of the Council of Europe

- DCI, 104 italian castels counting for the DCI award (e.g. CN-040, etc)

- EA-islands, 446 spanish islands (e.g. ISN 01-1-1, etc)

- EWWA, 326 entities members (there are light differences with DXCC !)

- France-region, the 22 regions of France (to not confuse with departments)

- IIA-islands, 789 italian islands

- IOTA, link to RSGB's IOTA home page

- IOTA, 1192  islands on the air (e.g. EU-xxx, etc)

- IOCA, 231 croatian islands (e.g. CI-xxx, etc)

- Map of Japan districts (Jx0 to Jx9)

- JCC-JCG, all japanese prefectures, cities and guns

- LGT-WLH, list about 1000 lighthouses from WLH, the only one official for DX-peditions

- LGT-ARLHS, list about 6000 worldwide lighthouses sorted by country, 344 KB .exe file to extract.

- WABA, over 130 callsigns used by Antarctic bases

- RU-oblast, 92 russian oblasts (territories) with a commentary about Russian callsigns

- RU-robinson, 159 islands groups members of the Russian Robinson

- US-Counties, 3095 US counties and 418 counties inspired by Native American subjects

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