
EM10 backslash

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Hi, Sorry but I do not speak French..

How can I adjust the backslash of a em10 mount?

Sorry for the English


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I Don't speek englich very vell, but I've found this ;

It explains :

"Dec Backlash

It seems to be a fact of life Tak mounts can have large backlashes up to 6 or so seconds. That's where mine is and I can't find a fix I've changed the motors meshed the gears, the works. Truth is it doesn't matter as DEC guiding should only go in one direction. The key is to ensure you never overshoot in DEC. For longer focal length work I made up a cable which ensures DEC only drives in one direction (I cut both DEC wires and only join up the one I want). The only time I've found backlash to be a real problem is when guiding at longer focal lengths with Astro Art version 2.0 which only guides one axis at a time. I believe Maxim solves this problem. My ST4 has no problem guiding."

Bye, and astro for ever

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