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Rencontre entre astronomes européens intéressés par les astéroïdes et les comètes et les impacts, près de Rome...
Déjà quelques français.
extrait de la notice:

MACE 2004 Meeting on Asteroids and Comets in Europe
Frasso Sabino - Italy / May 27 – 30
The A.R.A.
Roman Amateur Astronomers Association at
157 Frasso Sabino Virginio Cesarini Observatory
and its associates welcome you to the
MACE 2004 Meeting
that will take place in Frasso Sabino (close to Rome, Italy)
starting on May 27th and ending on May 30th, 2004
To continue and improve the relations and the established projects.
- To connect to other observers over borders and language barriers.
- To improve the technology and techniques of observing.
- To search for goals of small observatories in the future.
The scientific program will include invited, contributed talks and posters.
The topics that will be covered at MACE 2004 include:

- Projects and scientific results on Minor Planets.
- Advances in telescope design.
- Observing methods and future projects for small observatories.
- Robotic and remote observation systems
- Software for data reduction.

Bonnes lectures et à bientôt à Rome.

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