A Universe much smaller than the "big bang"

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see patern as predicted 4 inches mirror

In background, the patern as predicted in first section. The foreground's objects are caustics that we now will explain

Section 1) Documentation on gravitational mirrors
Section 2) How does a gravitational mirror works?
A) Gravitational mirror theory
B) Analogy with glass mirror
Section 3) The spherical mirror
A) Between two mirrors it's magic
B) Inside a Spherical Mirror
C) Conclusion
Section 4) Photons trajectories calculations
A) Introduction
B) Calculations
Section 5) Experimental proof
A) Documentation on "Caustic" images
B) Experiment with a 4 inches sphere
Section 6) References

Documentation on "caustic" images

What is a caustic :
A caustic is the creation of real 3 dimensional images in front of a concave mirror surface. Our presentation is a simplified expression of what we believe is happening in the Universe, an optical illusion. For example, magician use a half sphere mirror to create a real three dimensional image in front of the mirror. It fools everyone as the object seems real. That is why we use the terminology "magic" in our presentation.

So far we have explained why images form behind the surface of a concave mirror. We compared theses images to the galaxies we see from one billion light years and beyond. See the picture on your left, notice the small balls that are lined up. In the upper corner of the picture, we identified by an arrow the first ball. This ball belongs to a matrix of several rows and columns as you can see on the picture. These are images formed as predicted in the first sections. Up to now, our model is insufficient to represent the distributions that are observed in the Universe.

First we know that the galaxies are not uniformly distributed and our model so far would tend to give repeated sequence of images. Second the model so far, does not explain the presence and the distributions of the galaxies before the one billion years. The caustics will provide the missing link.

The "Great Wall" describe by Margaret Geller is a typical example. We are surronded by such structures within the first billions of light years. This is why we have to push our theory further in order to explain these structures. The study of "Caustics" will explain the formation of such none uniform distributions. A caustic is the creation of real images in front of a concave mirror surface. With one light source we obtain a multitude of three-dimensional images. As you can see in the following pictures, the distributions are not uniform.
All the pictures we are presenting are caustics formations created in a four inches diameter sphere mirror using only one light source:

Voyage inside a 10 cm spherical mirror

In the following picture we show the glass sphere used for the experiment. The bottom half is a mirror surface, the other half is plain glass

caustic formation in a 4 inches mirror

1 )A single laser light source is used which creates three dimensional images. The images are in front of the mirror surface. For the following pictures we used a Kodak camera with a 10x optical zoom and a 3x digital. Look at the picture and compare it to the last two at the bottom of this page. We reproduce a nebula in a bottle.

photo numirique par Jo

2 )Now using the camera zoom we introduce ourselves inside the sphere. Hereafter are a series of pictures showing what is happening inside the sphere used for our experiment

photo numirique par Jo

3 ) Let us get closer to the light point inside the sphere. The mirror surface is of poor quality. The light is quickly absorbed after only a few reflection cycles. We were unable to have the picture on focus but we can very well see the distribution of the light images

inside the 4

4 )Now for the next two pictures we are at the camera's zoom limits

close up of the light images

5 ) Exactly what are we seeing ? The laser beam reflected images from the mirror surface enlarge to the maximum. If the mirror surface was to reflect the light 100% we probably would have an infinite number of images formed inside the sphere. Our experiment prove our theory.

photo numirique close up of the light images

On the above picture in the background we see different shades. They are what is left from our laser beam as it is being absorbed by the mirror surface.

6) Now if we compare our pictures to the extra ordinaries pictures of our universe we see some resemblance. First we have the impression that our Universe is a chaos. Galaxies are in collisons . But if it is so where are the fireworks, stars bigger than our sun would be colliding together ? Something is missing to these pictures, Explanations !!!

photo numirique par Jo

The pictures from our experiment proves our theory. The galaxies are light images created by the spherical mirror. What we see is made up of light, and images are not required to obey the laws of physic. This is why the collisions between two galaxies does not produce the expected fireworks. The experiment's pictures reproduce such colisons between two light objects. Since everything is happening in a 10 cm sphere we find a multitude of examples for such collisions.

photo numirique par Jo


photo numirique par Jo

Compare the above nebula picture to the second picture at the beginning, the resemblance is obvious.


We find ourselves in front of a choice:
1) We observe an Universe that we can not really explain
2) Is it logic to say that a Universe filled with billions of billions of galaxies originated from a point a singularity??
3) Or can we say that this infinite nombres of galaxies are not real but an optical illusion? The gravitational mirror theory.

Based on a Global Gravitational Mirror, the distribution for the galaxies would not be uniform nor follow a specific pattern Here is how it happens:
1) A spherical gravitational mirror is first created by gravitational forces coming from our galaxies cluster. Only a few galaxies are required in our cluster to form the gravitational mirror.
2) As we just explain the mirror would first create within itself a multitude of 3 dimensional images (caustic) from the real galaxies. And we obtain a none uniform distribution as observe in the Universe with telescopes. These are probably the galaxies seen within the first billion of light years.
3) These galaxies and their caustic images would than reflect back and forth from the mirror in the manner describe at the beginning of this article. (Not that they reflect but it is as if they did) They would be the galaxies we see say several billions of light years away.
4) Now to complicate things, light will travel in some cases millions of years before forming a visible image and in other scenarios billions of years. So we see our galaxies as they changed from millions to billions of years.
5) Worst again the earth and the real galaxies position have changed from the time the light was emitted a billion years ago to a million years ago.

OK the model is not perfect but it helps to understand what is happening.
Our model does describe a Universe with a random distributions of galaxies in different structural patterns. Even more interesting, where the physical law can not explain what we see, a gravitational mirror does. The reason being obvious, what we see is only made up of light, and images are not required to obey the laws of physic. "à voir"If Einstein was wrong! "clic" site français