
AR12176 en BL - AR12176 in White Light :) Mild processing.

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A mild processing of the "insignificant" AR12176 in WL.

[Ce message a été modifié par uranus7 (Édité le 02-10-2014).]

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hello! good granulation ,, what's your set-up ,i don't remember!

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Hello Polo ! I used a C8, Baader ND3.8 Solar film, X5 Tele Vue Barlow and a mono Chameleon camera from Point Grey, with a NEQ6 mount.

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Thank you very much Alan. Regards from Romania !

Polo the used filter is the Baader Film Filter - ND3.8.
It's the most permissive filter available for the moment and is pretty cheap.

Cheers !


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yès ,of course ! but the filter on the camera ; red,green w58 ,continuum ,
that's the question !

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Woww...sorry, YES, it's about 2" Baader continuum.
Probably deserves to try a green filter or something else, too...
I guess the very important secret (of course, except the processing skills) is to have a perfect collimation, when is used a reflector scope.
I just made an almost professional collimation, recently.

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