
Mon combat avec turbulence. :) AR12104 et AR12107 le 4 juillet 2014.

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Here, below, you can see the sunspot groups AR12104 and AR1210, captured on July 4, 2014, at a bad transparency (of ~ 7/10) and wild seeing (of ~ 3/5).
Having clouds above for last 4 weeks, here, I found some new ways to clear it up and to share the result with my precious friends from Astrosurf.
I used an Equinox ED120 scope, Baader Herschel prisma, Baader Continuum filter, IR/UV cut filter, and a USB3 Point Grey Camera.
As always at such turbulence, I choose a ROI (Region Of Interest) area at about 700x500 resolution to facilitate a speedy capture (aprox 150 fps-fighting the turbulence somehow). PhotoSHop, Registax, AS!2, the used software for processing.

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... Thank you Baroche...It was just a trial...Hope I'll have a perfect seeing, finally, here in Roumania.

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