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C'est pas de moi (faut pas rêver), ni de portugais mais un ami allemand sympa.

NGC2024, the Flame Nebula, in my opinion a wonderful object and always neglected as obviously the horse head got more attraction and gains more attention. So my idea was to shoot this object, and actually the first time that I binned the images by 2x2, as I never did in the past. I was surprised about the lot of signal gathered in such a short exposure time. All in all I shot 26x300sec on each RGB channel, no L and no Ha. L channel I extracted from the combined RGB, processed it properly and combined it finally with the blurred RGB image. All done with APO127 and QSI 640wsg. Calibration frames applied. IP camera control used like always. Processed in PixInsight 1.8.

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Ouais boooof...mélanger du flou et du sharp ça choque.
Moi j'aime pas, c'est trop fin sur les starspikes et trop flou sur le fond du ciel.

Nicolas Outters

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