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salut à tous;qu'en pensez-vous les opticiens?
For Sale is a NEW RF Royce 14.5 inch f/4.50 FL=65.31" Primary planetary grade Telescope Mirror. This mirror was manufactured in Sep 2005 and is serial #339.
It is a full thickness 2" Pyrex substrate coated with standard Aluminum and Quartz protective overcoating. (Note: For a mirror surface of this high quality you do not want a potentially surface degrading multi-layer enhanced coating anyway!)

Royce and Zambuto are considered the two premier opticians for astronomical mirrors today! Royce's mirrors are universally acknowledged as being ultra-smooth and of the highest correction, providing uncompromising, essentially "perfect" imaging for any application. This is the best 14.5 inch mirror money can buy!

Since Royce does not provide test specs on individual mirrors, I conducted thorough testing on this optic. The results:

Star test:
This test was conducted using a Siebert 2.9mm ocular (optimized for f/4-f/5) yielding 572x and Aberrator ver 3.0 software. The test was essentially perfect. No sign of astigmatism, turned edge, zones or roughness. Only a trace amount of overcorrection was visible extrafocally, but it was less than 1/50 wave. Aberrator yields a Strehl of 0.99 for this optic. I have star tested a number of fine optics from leading manufacturers and this one is about the best I have ever seen!

Foucault test:
Conducted at radius of curvature using slitless tester and green LED. Yielded a textbook perfect doughnut shape at the 70% zone. No detectable surface roughness (less than 1/100 wave).

Ronchi test:
At radius, using 100 lpi grating, yields essentially perfect surface. Edge is flawless, perfectly smooth and regular.

For more information on RF Royce visit his website

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mais pourquoi se séparer d'un miroir aussi exceptionnel alors qu'il vient à peine de l'acquérir?

[Ce message a été modifié par asp06 (Édité le 16-01-2006).]

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sur ebay,tu tapes "mirror telescope"dans monde entier;le prix est actuellement vers 900$ mais prix de réserve non atteint;
justement,Royce,qq'un connaît?un nouveau Mosser?

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Il y a qques années je m'étais renseigné sur les télescope Teleport qui sont équipés de miroirs Zambuto . Seulement c'est pour le marché US . Pour nous c'est Royce qui fait les miroirs . Ca a l'air d'être du tout bon .

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