
Canon G2 et Ciel profond

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Le Canon G2 est fortement handicapé pour les photos de ciel profond.
Une modification technique par rapport au G1 le rend très peu sensible au rouge profond


Does the G1 (G2) take good infrared pictures?

The G1 has been recognized as one of the better prosumer digicams for infrared photography. The G1 is very sensitive to IR wavelengths, typical exposures being around 1/8 to 1/20 sec, allowing for handheld work even at iso 50 resulting in clean and crisp images.

With the G2, Canon has apparently installed a hot mirror making it less suitable for IR photography - exposures are 1 sec or more and results tend to be very soft.

We sell the popular Hoya R72 Infrared filter. It was used to shoot the panorama at the bottom of our front page. Here are some sites that have many samples and lots more information about the G1/G2 and infrared photography

Après essais personnels en rouge profond et infrarouge, j'ai constaté son insensibilité en ce domaine.

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je sais pas si le G2 est insensible à l'infrarouge mais en tous les cas les photos prises par markus ( sont très jolies. Je ne suis pas sûr que cela nous permette de généraliser pour le ciel profond.

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