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Grands progrets dans la construction de notre astrographe chez CCT

Cosmos Chile Team

1 308 vues

Good progress was made during the designing and manufacturing of our future 750mm F2.8 prime focus astrograph. Final pieces and main mirror expected to be completed for early october 2021. With an obstruction expected to be no more than 22%, its light gathering performance should be equal or superior to 80 cm of aperture CDK, Rifast, IDK optical design from competitors with obstructions reaching 60% or more.

Its lightness will be extreme when comparing to more conventional designs, as we managed to integrate as much carbon and composite materials as we possibly could. Its design is using the most advanced 3 D software and was inspired by aerospace manufacturing technologies.

We are very much looking forward to test this beast in the near future from Chile!



Capture d’écran 2021-09-05 à 20.27.34.png

Capture d’écran 2021-09-05 à 20.27.52.png

Capture d’écran 2021-09-05 à 20.28.10.png

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merci d'avance

Modifié par aubriot

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Ceci est un prototype qui commencera ses tests dans quelques mois, pour l'instant le nom et le design de cet astrographe sont confidentiels. Restez informe des resultats sur nore site : www.cosmoschileteam.org 



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