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Jesus and Co.

Je vous présente ci-dessous quelques illustrations sur les thèmes de Jésus et de la Bible. De nouvelles images sont régulièrement ajoutés à cette collection.

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I present you below some renderings on the themes of Jesus and the Bible. New images are regularly added to this collection.

See also the galleries Portraits, Astronauts, Space Tourism & Spaceships, Astronomy, Solar System, Earth, Alien Worlds, Terragen, Sciences & Technologies, Biology & Prehistory, Animals, UFO & UAP, Aliens, and Computer Graphics for additional renderings.

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Jesus and Co.

The Old Testament - La Bible

Jesus and Co.


Pieter Discussing with Jews in Roma


Paul Discussing with Jews in Roma

Sharing Matsah and Wine

Bread and Wine

Supper with Jesus Christ at Emmaus

Sharing the Artos (Leavened Bread)

Sharing the Matsah

Disciples in Front of the Empty Tomb

Jesus Christ Meets Emmaus Disciples

Supper with Jesus Christ at Emmaus

Jesus Christ Resuscitated Appearing in Glory

Mary Magdalene Meets Jesus Christ Resuscitated

Jesus Christ Resuscitated

Mary Magdalene Meets Jesus Christ Resuscitated

The Holy Spirit Over the Shroud

Jesus Christ Triumphing Over Death

 The Sadness of Apostles after the Crucifixion The Tomb of Jesus found Empty

Jesus Left His Terrestrial Life Behind

Jesus Carrying His Cross

Jesus Crucified

Jesus Crucified by His Heels

Jesus Wearing The Crown of Thorns

Jesus Carrying His Cross

Jesus & Apostles Feeling Betrayed

Remorse of Judah

Judah Running Away

Jesus Anxious Shortly Before His Arrest

Jesus Anxious

Jesus Betrayed by His Beloved Disciple Judah

Jesus Betrayed by His Beloved Disciple Judah

Judah Turning his Back on Jesus

Jesus Preaching

Jesus Teaching His Doctrine

Jesus Discussing with Religious Leaders

Jesus Discussing with a Religious Leader (Pharisian)

Jesus Discussing with the Jew Population and with Religious

Jesus Preaching in Judea

Jesus Preaching in the Countryside


Jesus Walking with the Apostles


Jesus and the Followers

Jesus Walking with the Apostles

Jesus Discussing with the Apostles

Discussion Between Apostles

The Miraculous Catch of Fish

The Miraculous Catch of Fish

Jesus Feeding the Multitude

Cana Wedding (Water changed in Wine)

Jesus Raising a Paralytic at Capernaum

Jesus Raising Jairus' Daughter

Jesus Healing a Paralytic and an Indigent at Bethesda Pool

Mary Magdalene Comforting a Sick Person

Jesus Healing a Child

Jesus Healing a Mute Demoniac

Jesus Giving Sight to Blind Men

The Empathy of Jesus

The Comfort of Jesus

Jesus Illuminated in His Spirituality

Jesus and the Symbol of Baptism

John Baptizes Jesus in Jordan River

John Baptizes Jesus in Jordan River

Jesus in the Desert (40 days to be Tempted by the Devil)

Jesus in the Desert (40 days to be Tempted by the Devil)

Jesus in the Desert (40 days to be Tempted by the Devil)

Jesus & Mary Magdalene in Privacy

Jesus Lying Beside Mary Magdalene

Love and Tenderness Between Jesus & Mary Magdalene

Jesus at Age 12 in Jerusalem

Jesus Relax at Age 20

Jesus at Age 25

Jesus at Age 6

Jesus Green-Eyed at Age 10

Jesus Teenager

Joseph Teaching the Trade of Builder (Architect, Stonecutter and Mason) to Jesus

Joseph Teaching the Trade of Builder (Carpenter) to Jesus

Jesus' Family (Cleopas, Mary, with at left Jesus at age 12, at center at age 25)

Some Brothers and Sisters of Jesus

Joseph & Jesus at Sepphoris Pool

Joseph, Jesus and James

Some Brothers and Sisters of Jesus

The Old Testament

Joshua, Successor of Moses

Moses on Mt Nebo

Saddened Moses on Mt Nebo

Moses Aged and Contemplative on Top of Mt Nebo

Moses and the Ten Commandments

Moses During the Exodus in the Sinai Desert

The Young Moses, Prince of Egypt

The Hebrew Patriarch Abraham

A Tent Pitched in the Desert

The Noah Ark

La Bible


Nouvel Eclairage sur la Bible


La Bible (livre de la Genèse)

La Bible (Genèse, tu es poussière)

La Bible (Genèse, le Déluge)

La Bible (Révélation, Apocalypse)

La Bible (Esdras)

La Bible (2 Rois)

La Bible (le Deutéronome)

La Bible (visions de Daniel)

La Bible (Isaïe, v.53)

La Bible (Isaïe, v.61)

La Bible (Matthieu, les mages)

La Bible (Marc, Jésus en Galilée)

La Bible (Jean, la Pâque)

La Bible (Marc, la croix)

La Bible (Jean, tombeau vide)

La Bible (Marc, l'apparition)

La Bible (Paul, Epître aux Galates)

La Bible (Paul, Epître aux Romains)

Généalogie davidique de Jésus

Le Crédo ou Symbole des Apôtres

Construction de la Bible

Sources de l'Hypothèse Documentaire

L'hypothèse Documentaire et ses Variantes

Source "Q"


Les Noms de Dieu

Les Noms de Jésus

Names of God

Résurrection - Renaissance

Résurrection - Renaissance

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