
I need help for posting my images, please.

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Hello, guys,

Well, please, teach me how to adjust my links so that the image can be seen here.

The algorithm mentioned at FAQ seems to not work really:
[img] link [/img]

I can't post my pictures in normal conditions, here, then...
HTML is also inactif for my channel...

Somebody can help me with the right clue ?

Let's take an example like this image from there: http://www.astrobin.com/101413/B/

How can I make it visible here?

Thank you very much,


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Hello, welcome, Gabriel

Try to edit my message to see how to:

You just have to remove "space" before and after your link between [img...] tags

And try to write in french if possible, please ,
Asa ca va avea mai multi cititori si avizul !

[Ce message a été modifié par Nebulium (Édité le 10-07-2014).]

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And try to write in french if possible, please

Nebulium, demander à un Roumain qui nous fait l'honneur de poster chez nous, de FAIRE EN PLUS L'EFFORT DE POSTER en Français, c'est petit, mesquin.

Franco, français, franchouillard ou rien, c'est ça ?

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Merci beaucoup, garcons, a tous!

Moi je peut comprendre en francaise mais... est more difficile a mois a ecriver.
Allons... je vous pris a accepter mon english...meilleur...

Anyway, we can communicate like this, also.
I'll do the best to write in French the important aspects of my pictures.
Thank you very much !!!

Best regards,

[Ce message a été modifié par uranus7 (Édité le 10-07-2014).]

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