
Jolie proeminence du Soleil - aujourd'hui.

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Salut Uranus,

très sympa cette protubérance ! Mais c'est fait avec quoi ? Tu n'es pas super bavard...

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Salut VL,

Well, c'est vrai, je ne suis pas super bavard en francais...but I much better can communicate in english.

I used a Lunt 60 H-alpha, double stack, with a 500mm FL, a 2.5 TeleVue barlow and a mono camera Chameleon from Point Grey (PGR).

It was a sunny but little hazy day, not suitable for perfect captures.

The picture isn't a composition (that's quite interesting)...all is solved only by processing (both - the disk and the prominence).



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Thank you, Polo !

You too, enjoy the best the last day of this weekend.


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Thank you very much, Baroche.
I'm trying to do my best, even despite the bad seeing, sometimes.



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Hi Gabriel happy to see you here
Great job beautiful solar image
Michel Chrétien(Astrophotography Together)


[Ce message a été modifié par mcn66 (Édité le 12-10-2014).]

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Hello, Michel I'm happy also to meet you here !!!
Thank you a lot for your for appreciations.
Well, I'm everywhere where the group of imagers is of good quality to have different goals regarding other's work here and sure, to learn from others.
Keeping in touch my friend !



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Pierre Alain, I speak English very good because I am a very bad french boy.

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