
Sol'Ex 5 octobre 2022 - Ca bouge !

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Spectacular images!!


Christian, could you shed some light on how to get to that calculation of ejection velocities (in this case at least 140 km/s)?

I am a beginner in the subject and I find astrophysics immersed in images fascinating.

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JAumente, thank for the comment !


Concerning velocity measure. First we have to transform the pixels size into wavelength interval. Let's assume that we are in binning 1x1. With an ASI178mm camera the pixels size is 2.4 microns, which represents 0.0626 A in the spectrum at the H-alpha line. The information can be found on this page in part 4 (Necessary accessories section):  http://www.astrosurf.com/solex/sol-ex-construction-en.html . At the level of Halpha, wavelength is 6563 A, and knowing that the speed of light is 300 000 km/s, these 0.0626 A represent (Doppler formula): (0.0626/6563) x 300 000=2.86 km s. Suppose that a detail covers 170 pixels: this represents a speed of 170 x 2.86 = 485 km / s. So a simple rule can convert the  wavelengths interval  (and therefore pixels) in speed, as I indicate here.


Of course, the velocity is here a radial velocity (Doppler velocity toward observer).


Christian Buil

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