
Votre avis sur lunette 80

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Le commentaire du vebdeur:

"BRAND NEW!! Here is an awesome little all-purpose 80mm f/6.5 ( 520mm focal length ) telescope , or Spotting scope that will blow you away with quality, performance and sharpness for the money. Complete with 2 inch Focuser & 1.25 inch 45 degree angle CORRECT IMAGE UPRIGHT Diagonal ( 2 inch diagonal is an optional item ) . the image on this scope using the included 1.25" diagonal is completely correct. up is up and right is right and so on. along with a multi-coated 18mm eyepiece made in Japan. It has a flat mounting block on the bottom with a 1/4-20 thread so you can attach this scope to any camera or spotting scope tripod. THE OPTICAL QUALITY ON THIS SCOPE IS OUTSTANDING, BETTERING SCOPES OF THIS SIZE COSTING UP TO $500!

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C'est un "spotting scope" achromatique à grand champ... Une lunette d'approche, quoi. (Et non pas une luproche d'Annette ^^)

Bah, ça ferait un super chercheur...

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