
nouveau brevet Canon

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Il semble que canon travaille sur un nouveau système pour ces boitiers :

" A patent that seems to show a switch that will move a camera from mirorrless to DSLR mode has been published.

Keith over at Northlight provided the animation above and this explanation:

Short back focus lenses such as EF-M allow you to put the sensor much closer to the lens, reducing body depth. However, unless you choose an EVF, there is no way to get a good optical reflex viewfinder. The patent allows you to swap between a focus screen or sensor close up to the lens.

Perhaps a bit clearer to see in this animation of the short backfocus reflex viewfinder design. The sensor is red and the focus screen green (other moving part is a mirror) This allows a reflex optical viewfinder to be used with any short backfocus lens.

A very interesting concept indeed."

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"A patent that seems to show a switch that will move a camera from mirorrless to DSLR mode has been published."

Un brevet qui semble montrer un commutateur permettant de passer d'un mode sans miroir à un mode DSLR.

"Keith over at Northlight provided the animation above and this explanation:"

Keith a fourni l'animation et son explication:

"Short back focus lenses such as EF-M allow you to put the sensor much closer to the lens, reducing body depth. However, unless you choose an EVF, there is no way to get a good optical reflex viewfinder. The patent allows you to swap between a focus screen or sensor close up to the lens."

Les optiques à faible backfocus comme les EF-M permettent de placer le capteur bien plus près de l'optique, réduisant du même coup la profondeur du boitlier. Seulement, à part si vous prenez un EVF, il n'y a aucun moyen d'avoir un viseur comme dans un appareil à l'optique reflex.

"Perhaps a bit clearer to see in this animation of the short backfocus reflex viewfinder design. The sensor is red and the focus screen green (other moving part is a mirror) This allows a reflex optical viewfinder to be used with any short backfocus lens."

Il est facile/clair de voir dans cette animation le (concept du ) viseur reflex optique à petit backfocus. Le capteur est en rouge, et l'écran de focalisation en vert (l'autre partie qui bouge est le miroir). Cela permet d'avoir un viseur reflex avec une optique à court backfocus.

"A very interesting concept indeed"

Un concept intéressant!

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C'est super intéressant, mais je ne comprends pas comment la lumière passe à travers l'écran ne visée reflex ??? Quelqu'un à une idée ?

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