
Venus-Transit (english)

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and sorry first, that I post my message in english.
I'm a hobby astronomer from Germany and me and a friend of mine will spend some time at Pyrenees in June. We want to watch the transit of venus (of course!) and spend some nights watching deep sky objects.
Does anybody have some tips and hints for us, where we can set up our equipment? Any suggestions for a good watchin place? Any group we can contact or join?

Thanks a lot for your attention and your answers,

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Maybe you can contact Devoniak on this forum.

He lives part of year in Pyrenees Orientales (66), east of Pyrenees, and may know some good places for you there.

L'astrodessin survivra!!!
Dessins au T115/900 notamment

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I live in Pyrenees Orientales, and I observe sometimes with devoniak. You can contact us if you come in this side of the Pyrénnées.

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