Soulier jf

Découverte d'une nouvelle comète par MACHHOLZ !!

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Fantatstique...on découvre encore des comètes entre tous les observatoires automatisés !!

- Bravo à Monsieur MACHHOLZ.

Bien cordialement.
SOULIER Jean-François

Images :

Circulaire UAI :

Don Machholz reports his visual discovery of a diffuse comet
with coma diameter about 2' (DC = 2), using a 0.47-m f/4.8
reflector (77x) at his home in Colfax, CA, U.S.A., in the course of
his comet-hunting program on Mar. 23, as tabulated below; no motion
was detected in 20 minutes due to encroaching twilight. Machholz
found the comet again of similar appearance (the magnitude then
given as 11.5-12) on the morning of Mar. 26, indicating that it is
moving rapidly towards the sun. Machholz had searched for 607
hours since his previous find on 2004 Aug. 27 (cf. IAUCs 8394,
8395). After posting on the Minor Planet Center's 'NEOCP' webpage,
three Japanese amateurs have reported confirmation of the new comet.
Y. Ikari (Moriyama, Shiga-ken, 0.26-m reflector + CCD) reports a
coma diameter of 0'.5. K. Kadota (Ageo, Saitama-ken, 0.25-m
reflector + CCD) finds that his images taken through clouds show
the object to be diffuse (coma diameter 1'.5) with central
condensation and no tail. K. Yoshimoto (Yamaguchi-ken, 0.25-m
reflector) reports that a visual observation yields total mag 11.0
and coma diameter 1'.3 (DC = 3) on Mar. 26.830 UT.

[Ce message a été modifié par Soulier jf (Édité le 27-03-2010).]

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Il me semble qu il y a eu un reportage sur lui dans astromag (il y a un moment deja ,alors je me trompe peut etre)

En tous cas BRAVO!!!

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merci jean françois!
a quand la comete soulier!
ça va venir.........

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'tain, il a découvert toutes ses comètes en visuel!!! et avec un dob non motorisé...
Presque comme Charles Messier

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