Virtual Moon Atlas
Sponsors Astrosurf |
Free software for Moon observation or survey November
6 2006 WITH
More powerful : the database manager allows you to localize on the map, the formations that you selected in it. In the exemple above, you choosed and vsualised the "domes" present in the databases. Ju More beautiful : pictures from "Apollo Mapping" and
"Best of Amateurs" libraries will amaze you.
From left to right :
It's conceived to be easily usable "in the field" according to an observing session needs, but also to study "at home" the Moon and its relief. It's interfaced with "Sky charts" Patrick Chevalley's freeware. This set is certainly now one of the most complete released Rather than a long description, we invite you to read the complete manual or the quick user's guide or to look at the screens copies to see what are the possibilities. The authors are decided to upgrade periodically the software, database and pictures library in the following monthes and years. If you think that a function would be useful for all Moon observers, don't hesitate to indicate it us. It could be possible to include it. It's possible to choose the language used by the software and database. presently English and French version are available with the basic package. You can download more translation here . The authors wish that others passioned amateur astronomers will propose their own translation in their language to make this software available to world wide Moon observers. Why is it free ? This software is the result of a collaboration between Christian Legrand, a passioned lunar observer, co-author of the guide "Discover the Moon" published in English by Cambridge University Press and also published in French, German and Spanish, and Patrick Chevalley, author of the worlwide known freeware "Cartes du Ciel / Sky Charts". The authors make him free for amateur astronomers, lunar observers and students who wish to practice selenography. They hope to promote Moon observation and knowledge because our satellite will become one of the next human spatial exploration step. Using conditions The "Virtual Moon Atlas" is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Database information and picture are copyrighted and cannot be used outside of the software without the author's permission. Programing Source code is available from CVS at This program is entirely written in DELPHI 6. Calculations of the ephemerides of the Moon are based on " Lunar Solution ELP 2000-82B Chapront-Touze, Bureau des Longitudes 1988". The program elp82b.f was rewritten in Pascal and include in a DLL. Many calculations are based on the essential "Astronomical Algorithms by Jean Meeus". OpenGL display use GLScene . |
Visitor from June 2002 |
If you have any questions,
suggestions or remarks about the software, you can contact Patrick Chevalley.
If they are about the overlays, the databases or the pictures
libraries, please contact Christian